Chapter 2

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Then next morning I woke up to find a quite house. Well duh Kayla they are boys of course they would not be up early. I quietly pad my way to the kitchen to make breakfast. I make pancakes, bacon, sausage, and fresh apples. Wow they must cook a lot. I hear two people talking.

"Damn what smells so good," one of the boys say.

"Yeah I know," another guy says.

Soon they step into the kitchen and I give a shy smile.

"Um good morning dude and dude," I nervously giggle.

"Well good morning to you too Kayla." The one with dark brown eyes chuckles. " well seeing as you don't know our names I am Owen" the one with the brown eyes says, " and this but hole is Finley."he chuckles.

I look at Finley and see he is glaring at Owen. I giggle.

"You can call me Fin actually, Owen thinks that he has to tell everybody." Fin growls.

" Ok, Fin-ley," I chuckle " sorry, but anyways I made food for you so enjoy"

"Not cool," he says trying to keep an angry look on his face but miserably failing. Owen and I start to laugh.

I quickly grab a plate and pile food on before the guys can take all the food. I sit down on the couch and shiver in my Nike shorts and tank top. The boys start yelling at each other to wake the other boys.

"Hey," I hear Asher say in a groggy voice.

I turn around to find a half naked Asher in shorts with no shirt I turn around and blush. Shit. Those abs. I need to hide. Owen and Fin start to laugh at my dis comfort. I look around the living room and kitchen. Wow this is just the cutest little house. I finish off breakfast and put my dishes in the sink, and rinse them off. I walk down the hall to my room, I grab my iPhone, a sweatshirt, and tennis shoes. I prepare for going on a walk, I walk into the kitchen and see all the guys in there eating breakfast. Satisfied I start walking to the front door. I reach for the handle and open the door and get a fresh breeze of late warm summer air. I walk around the lake and make it back to the house. I opened the door and heard yelling. I slam the door shut and ran to the living room. I walk through the doorway and all the guys are looking at me.
" oh we're just playing x-box Kayla, oh I'm Wyatt by the way," a guy that looks like a little version of Fin, says.

" yah thanks for the head up," I say sarcastically. " You guys have pier right." I question pointing the lake.

"Yeah, " Owen assures while resuming the game.

The yelling starts back up again and I go change into my mint green bikini. That compliments my tan. I rummage around for a towel but can't find one so I go ask the boys where the towels are. I walk into the living room where the guys are yelling.

" Ummm do you guys have any towels," I ask.

"Yeah I can show you where they are in a moment" Asher grunts " Right after I beat Owens ass at this game."

I go into the kitchen scouting for a water bottle. Soon frustration sets in. Damn it where are the water bottles.

"Hey, nice bikini Kayla" Asher smirks.

"Uhh how bout that towel." I nervously play with my hands.

"Right here," he replies

When he leaves I decide to pad my way to the back door. I slide the door open. Throwing my towel and water bottle on the ground I walk to the edge of the lake, it looks beautiful. I walk to the edge of the pier, take the diving position. Jumping I arch my body, and feel the refreshing water touch my skin. My body is submerged as I slowly float back up with the Rays of sun trying to penetrate the water. Reaching the surface I tread my feet and pull my hair back and wipe the water away from my eyes.

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