Chapter 3

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After my morning started out, I went to make breakfast. I threw a turkey sandwich together and thought about what I was going to do today. I jogged to my room and grabbed my iPhone and played circle. Once I was done with breakfast I hopped in the shower, when I got out I did my makeup and put my glasses on I got into a maroon red shirt and some white wash shorts and brown sandals. I put a gold key necklace on and, put a cream colored cardigan grabbed my car keys, phone and purse. I walked to the living room and sat down to put my sandals on.

"So where are you headed to little missy," Owen say in a questioning tone, Asher walk in right behind him.

"Oh I wanted to explore Wisconsin so I thought about going to Green Bay unless you know of any other good shopping malls," I consider.

" Eah Appleton is better," Asher says " I have nothing better to do so I could show you where it is."

"Umm that chicky was asking me dude, " Owen whines " I agree though Appleton is pretty good, and what about me were you gonna leave me here alone."

"No you have a date with Claire, at noon till 2 am and who knows what is gonna go down," Asher chuckles, I start to laugh.

"It is not till 2 am for your information, and what are you laughing about" Owen points a finger and I stop laughing.

"It has been for the last 5 times," Asher chuckles, "Have fun Owen babe," he mocks in a girlish voice.

"She doesn't sound like that," Owen whines.

"Bye Owen," I say and wink. "We'll miss you, babe"

I grab Asher's hand and drag him to the car. We both get situated and I connect my phone to the Bluetooth. The song Titanium echoes through the speakers, and I hum along.

"I'm bullet proof nothing to loose fire away fire away," I start singing.

So now we head into a little town called Howards grove. It is certainly a cute town. First we pass a kohler credit union then, subway, a cute little peach and green house and a construction company, and a restaurant called log cabin. Asher tells me to turn and we go past a dentist office, clinic, and another bank. I see a grocery store called Piggly wiggly. It is the cutest little thing ever.

"Ok pull in here I am hungry," Asher commands.

"Yeah but aren't guys always hungry," I giggle.

Asher pouts and I park the car, we both hop out and enter the store. I look around and Asher starts to disappear around the corner. That little twit. I bump into a girl with pretty long brown hair and fair skin.

"I am sorry, I never meant to bump you," I say.

"It's fine, are you new to this town, I'm Stephanie," she smiles.

"Yeah actually I just came from Ohio," I add on.

We continue talking for a bit then I realize I still have to find Asher, "Would you like to trade numbers maybe we can get hot chocolate or see a movie sometime," I suggest.

"Sure," she answers.

We trade numbers and I go off exploring the store, I grab some snacks and a sandwich on the way, I see Asher and run down the isle and clumsily drop some snacks on the way to the cart.

"Hey clumsy I have been looking around for you," Asher says with concern.

"Yeah yeah don't even play that card you walked into a store and just expect me to know where you are," I raise my eyebrow.

"Sorry," he says with big puppy dog eyes.

"Yeah sure I forgive you not collect your crap and lets go," I yell pointing to the cash register.
We pay for the snacks and get to the car throwing the food pile in the seats behind us.

"I wanna take you somewhere special," Asher announces and starts giving me directions.

We drive for maybe 10 minutes and I see a welcome to sheboygan sign. We keep driving for a while ok maybe only like 5 minutes and I see Lake Michigan. It is so beautiful the bright red light house, the dark water and the tan sand. I find a parking spot and squeal. I jump out of the car and Asher look amused. We start walking and it takes a bit of time it was a tad slippery and a bit rocky but the view was gorgeous.

"Over there is a mini golf place we should go there some time," Asher suggests.

"Ok but I need to get to the mall so let's go," I say blinking a bit cause the wind was making my eyes water.

I give Asher the keys and he drive us up to Appleton. I go in and turn to Asher, " do we stick together or do you want to do your own shopping,"

"Let's stick together it would make me feel better," Asher says looking around.

- - -

We finish shopping and I have to say I went just about everywhere. I went to VS, forever 21, JC pennies, Macy's and some other places.

"I want real food," I whine as we drive around.

"Well let's get us some supper," Asher says.

So far today I have learned Asher is really funny and sometime a bit of a pervert. He then pulls into Olive Garden.

"Holy Shit this is my favorite restraint ever how did you know," I beg him.

" Eah I really like Olive Garden too," He shrugs.

We go in and have a wonderful dinner. Once we are done we grab our take out boxes and get in the Tahoe.
Millie texts me: how is Wisconsin-M xxx
K: Good how are you guys- K xxx
M: ok I guess I was accepted into NYU.
K: that's great!!! Gtg talk to you soon love-K xxx
I shut my phone off and rest my head on the head rest. I start to dose off.

"Hey Clumsy were home," I hear Asher whisper. But I dose off before I could do anything.

Asher sets me down in my bed, and tucks me in.

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