part 7

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The next day Jenny has a appointment with her counselor. Olivia wants her to talk about what she told her last night in her session but she refuses. She wont say anything else about it to Olivia either. As usual she doesnt talk to the counselor. That afternoon Olivia has a meeting with the family court judge. The judge talks with Olivia, Alex and the counselor. She also talks with Jenny. She decides that it is in the best interest of Jenny to give permanent full custody to Olivia. Its obvious she had bonded with her and she feels at this point even if the parents were found it would not be good to remove her from the only stability she has ever have and the only person she trusts and talks to. Olivia is so happy, she really loves Jenny like her own.
Jenny seems content to know that she can stay also.
That night after Noah is in bed she tries to get Jenny to talk. But jenny is not saying anything else right now. She goes to bed. About a hour later Jenny wakes up screaming and calling out "mamma help me"
Olivia goes to her to calm her. She is shaking badly and hyperventilating. Olivia gets her up and takes her to the couch. After a few minutes she gets her breathing normal and goes to make her some hot tea. When she comes back she says "Jenny, this time you were calling your mamma. Did you remember something about her?"
"No" Jenny said
"Ok. Well did she come when you called her?"
"Yes, she did."
"Ok.. did you recognize her? Was it someone you know?"
"Yes, I did."
"You want to tell me about it?"
"It was you. I called for you to help me and you did. You shot him and killed him"
Tears streamed down Olivia's face.
"I would too, I would kill him and save you honey. And I would be honored if you ever wanted to call me mamma." She hugged Jenny to her.
"What if they found my parents? I don't want to leave. You are the only mom I ever had."
"Jenny, the judge gave me permanent custody. You are legally my daughter now. Nobody is going to take you from me. I promise. No matter what. You are stuck with me Jenny Mae Benson."
They sat there quietly and Jenny fell back asleep leaning on Olivia. Eventually Olivia layed her down on the couch. She went and got a blanket and covered her up, kissed her on top of her head and went to bed.

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