part 10

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Jenny came to the precinct every day after school. She hated being treated like she needs a babysitter but what can she do? She has to do what Olivia says. Olivia makes her talk to the psychologist now. She goes with her and brings things up, makes her talk. She hates having her head shrunk but again what can she do? She knows olivia loves her and wants what is best for her. Even though she wanted to go back with her old family she sees now that they never had her best interest in mind, never loved her and protected her like Olivia. So she does what Olivia tells her. And things are getting better. She has less anxieties, less nightmares. She has even gained 5lbs. The doctor and Olivia are happy about thst because she is under weight. It's just she doesnt like eating.
Olivia is going to let her start public school next month. She likes that idea and wants to play basketball.
She really does love Olivia and Noah. She respects Olivia more than anyone she has ever known. She didnt give birth to her but to Jenny she is 100 percent her mom. Nothing could change that anymore. And she wants to make her mom proud, and be a good example for her brother. All these people love her and take care of her, she doesn't want to let them down.

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