We are free

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~Six's POV~

We finally are freed...after so many years...we did it..me and seven...we escaped! We killed off the lady, the chef's, and the rest of the guests who kept appearing! It was just me and him, And other kids/teens like us and the gnomes there, we were probably gonna try to party! But..It was unfortunately raining that day, so when I went outside i saw the water and the raindrops pouring down, and I could feel the icky humidity I blinked a few times and frowned, since i thought it would have been, like a good day since we "escaped" finally from the lady's hand, so i just standed there trying to avoid the water untill.. "SIIIXXX!!" Seven my blacked bushy haired friend had pounced on me lightly as i jumped and got startled by him "YES?" I said back rather quickly, "I CANT BELIEVE WERE FREE!!!" He yelled back, i had jumped with joy a bit "I KNOW RIGHT!!" Me and him smiled very brightly after.

~Seven's POV~
I couldn't believe we finally made it out! Me and my friend 15 (My LN oc) were dancing a little along with my other friends- we were having a pretty cool time- but of-course I had to remind my friend Six! I wanted to savor the feeling on her face when I had told her AGAIN! I saw her go up onto the top of the maw then quickly and quietly followed after her, then I waited for a moment, before I yelled "SIIIXX!!" Then pounced on her very lightly and gently so she wouldn't fall or anything then she jumped a little and i giggled at that before telling her about how I couldn't believe we "escaped" Now the 'runawayS' were taking over now- but we had both smiled brightly then i decided to pick her up and snuggle her lightly, some faint blush spreaded across both of our faces.

~Six's POV~

I giggled very softly as seven had picked me up- it was a while that he has done that to me- but light blush spreaded across my face and I just smiled and gripped my hood so it would stay on my head- but after a bit he put me down and dragged me downstairs so we could go 'Party' I don't blame him for not wanting to- we were like pretty cool after all. But I blinked a few times then they had put on the best music the maw had offered then seven started dancing- but unfortunately i couldn't since i suck..so I just very slightly moved my hair, but not alot to the point were you could see my face...

~Seven's POV~

I giggled with him, then looked up at her as she was hiding her face with that classic yellow raincoat of hers, but i don't blame her since i don't like showing my face either- its funny how we have alot of things in common, but after a bit i put her down gently then grabbed her hand and went back down stairs with everyone else, then stood for a bit untill one of the kids put on some tunes that I had enjoyed, so i couldn't help but to walk up to the free space that was onto the floor and started to dance a bit, then i glanced at six, I blushed faintly as i saw her move her hair a bit, honestly.. I didn't know why I blushed..i just- had this one weird feeling about her..its not a bad feeling at all,, she just makes me happy once in a while.. Ever since we were kids in the maw..

Ayyeee this was not asked for
Im sorry if this was stupid/weird/random/ very fast... but if ya want more then just comment or whatever but ummm BYEEE hope ya liked it!
Word count: 649

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