Hiding spot

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~Six's POV~

Damn, I still couldn't believe I did that...that was like ONE of the most savage things i did and told Seven- usually I would just make fun of him when we were little since- he was a crybaby, and always try to find away to 'runaway' with me- pretty cute if you asked me..bUT aNYwAys, I was with 15 we joked about seven and his facial expression and stuff- but after a little bit- I saw him go somewhere, were the gnomes were? We were still lucky we could still fit in such small places, since we are older now,, "Hey 15, I'm actually going to uhm...talk to seven again okay?" I had looked at her, she made a 'thumbs up sign' and hummed lightly which was causing a little fire spark on her hand to glow, since she had those mysterious powers. (EDIT: I hate myself for putting my OC in, but im keeping it anyways lmao)

But i smiled lightly and then went to catch up with him- I had squeezed my way threw the crowd and the tiny hole he had went threw- honestly...that boy loved his other friends the nomes- hell, I'm pretty sure he talks to them- and I was actually pretty curious if he did or not- so, halfway threw that little hole I had stopped to see if he would talk about anything else to them.

~Seven's POV~

Instead of going with Six and being the clingy weird 'crybaby' kid i still supposably still am- I decided to just "runaway" I guess you could say... To my,,other friends- the nomes! They understand me quite well! And they are kinda better than real people- even though they kinda are real people...they get me, so I went to my ' Comfortable area'. There was a little hole i had to go threw somewhere behind all of the table equipment...but im super lucky i still can fit threw that little space- since im taller and older now- so I crouched down and squeezed my way into the little hole "I'm almost there!" I had said threw the area, I could hear the nomes make there signature noise- it was cute, I Finally made my way threw the little hole, and i smiled with joy, as the nomes hugged and snuggled with me, I chuckled a bit, and held them close I could hear the light purring from them.. "I missed you guys so much! Sorry if I haven't been visiting you guys lately..i-i have been with Six.." For some odd reason I blushed lightly at that last part- i didn't know why- but, I did. And after I had said that- it felt like they were talking back to me- I just felt it, it looked like they were trying to make out?- like pretending one of them was me, and the other-one was Six?? So I just scratched my head and laughed a bit so all I said was "Is that supposed to be me and someone?" I had crossed my arms, as the nomes nodded.

~Six's POV~

I quietly and quickly made my way halfway threw- but i was way to curious so I went a little more farther into the small place, to the point were I could see seven cuddling the nomes, I had to admit, it was pretty cute- so i just stayed silent for a moment, and saw him talking to them, I smiled softly and made myself a bit comfortable, I could kinda see what the gnomes were doing- it looked liked if they were..uhm.. Making a play for him? Or reenacting something...or maybe even mimicking him? I don't know.. I just focused on mainly him, I don't know why. And I didn't care. Something inside me just felt warm and fuzzy AGAIN! So i just shook my head, and heard seven ask the nomes "is that supposed to be me and someone?" My eyes opened widely and I peaked my head out a little threw the hole and it looked like they had nodded, i looked at them closely, they were trying to tell him who the other person was- i had to admit- I have no clue about how Seven is able to understand these little ones, but this time..seven was kinda confused he didn't know who they were trying to identify to him, so he just shrugged and sighed, I frowned a bit, then I accidentally sighed aswell- I noticed that it was loud and I covered my mouth and shuffled back a little. Seven had frozed and so did I- then the gnomes were looking around, I stayed as quiet as i could and closed my eyes hoping that they wouldn't see me.

~Seven's POV~

They nodded, and I was still a bit confused, so i just titled my head and looked at them with confusion, i mean- I always understand these guys, but this time- this was...uh- I had no clue of what they were trying to reenact, so I asked "Who?" I sighed a bit, but then I paused, i swore i heard someone else sigh with me..i don't think I was alone. The nomes froze for a bit, then they started looking around, so that's what I decided to do aswell, i looked around, and then I finally looked threw the hole I went in to get to here, I slowly and very carefully peaked my head threw it and saw.....SiX?! She was laying with her head down, I gasped a bit and blushed while also frowning "SIX!?" I yelled a bit, before she slowly picked her head back up and looked at me "y-yes....?" She responded, I crossed my arms and glared at her "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?" I yelled again, she flinched a bit and responded "I-I was just...wondering what you were d-doing..." I rolled my eyes and blushed more "Really? You know what- just- come on out." I said back, as she slowly made her way threw the hole to get to me, I sat back on the wall, as she joined me, I looked away and crossed my arms, and she did the same thing, but it looked like she was clenching her arm a bit.

KDLAMXM HEY BROS! sorry this took a while I was lazy, and didnt wanna finish it,,, but hey! I was in the mood to so ye! Alsooo- should i really name this story..? Or like? I dont know- just if you think I should or smth just comment, idc lmao

Word count: 1102

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