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(bruh I honestly can't believe some of y'all like this cringe ass mf story I'm- im having a bruh moment 😔👊🏽... and  I'm trying to get better at Writing fan fics since my motivation is so damn low :/,,))

~//3rd person POV//~
Six buried her face into her cold fluffy pillow, while she still couldn't get the thought of her kissing seven out of her mind, in a way, she let out some giggles as light blush appeared on her face,
Her long hair was getting more crazy, since she had started twirling some of it around like if she was a teen again, because well.....they both never really got to have fun as teens since they were so goddamn busy trying to survive this hell hole. So now that they are "free" I guess they could feel and think about whatever they wanted, since not a lot of stress is pulling them down. But Meanwhile, seven just flopped his whole body down on his messy bed face first, still shocked about what happened, as a boy, seven would like to have seen what would have happened farther if Juan wouldn't have fucking barged in 👀, but was time for seven to 'man up'! Since he was old enough to grow his,,FAbUlouS beard-  and he thought that would look good on him- especially now that he wanted to get with six even more, and,,he needed to work on his "appearance" for her, if he was gunna try to act like if he was a different person, he starting thinking of all he needed to do, to get her heart. But all The "plans" of his weren't really that good, since our girl six likes seven the way he is.
Anyways, back with six, she was still playing with her messy staticky hair, then ran her fingers threw the fluff hair, thinking that she really needed a haircut, but, she had a feeling that seven liked her like this- unfortunately though ,, she didn't like herself like this.. she sighed and stoped playing with her hair,  turned to her side and looked up at the wall. She bit her lip looking around, "we really need to fix up this place.." she said quietly to herself, before blinking a couple of times, after, just closing her eyes..then before she knew it ..she was....dozing off to sleep. Honestly She was hoping that they didn't have that connected dream again.. luckily they weren't tho, since seven wasn't really gunna go to sleep anytime soon- he just started daydreaming about her, he kinda hugged himself and slowly clenched his eyes shut, a soft smile appeared on his face causing him to hug himself a little more "harder."

"Oh six-" he said to himself very quietly- he wasn't thinking anything,,bad- or at least he thought, instead he just pictured and focused on six hugging him and stuff  (aka: it's just fluff 😌) he loved this feeling, but,, then he paused "wait..wait..shit. She never told me the word-" he opened one eye and clenched his teeth, "aw shhhhIIAAT-" he groaned lightly and opened the other  eye,  rolling them and turning the 'hugging himself' motion into crossing his arms mOtIon? Afterwords, he just laid there for sometime  not really thinking of anything six wise for a slight moment. Now, he's just focusing on his appearance, in a way, he felt like six needed a better person in her future, he just mostly had self doubt at this point in time, since you know, it was late, and they literally had there first kiss a while ago, but not just that- since like I said, they never had feelings for eachother until now, so he didn't know what to think..aannnddd he was just going all out on his feelings- hm..maybe he was rushing and six both kinda needed more times to think on if they were gunna date or something,,

*time skip to the morning!!*

"AyOo Six!" Seven walked into sixes room feeling all proud and shit, "oh! Hey seven hun-" (yo. When I typed that-it- legit made me fucking laugh for some reason HDHAKDJ)) seven tilted his head "Seven hu-" he paused, as blush appeared on his face, causing her to giggle, "i dunno- it was just something that popped into my mind-" she got up, and crossed her arms "okay- but seven I need to change now can you go please?" She asked politely, as he was just standing there, then he snapped out of it, causing him to nod "oh! Of course-" the blush on his face got more intense and his face got a little hot, as he turned his body around and headed out the door, closing it shut behind him, thus made it to his own room to get his clothes and stuff like that, then, he went to his tiny-ish bathroom both seven and six had to share. "Ah yeah. Shower T I m e s." The brunette had turned the water onto the perfect temp. Then stripped down- and got his flat ass slowly got into the shower "mh.." he said as the hot water touched his body, he had..scars... on his back from all that happened throughout his entire life, the maw was dangerous. Very dangerous could probably get killed within a day if you weren't careful enough..besides that shit though!- he wanted to put the past behind him and look towards the future. He can't wait of what things lie ahead of him and six next. Maybe,,,,someone else even,,

"What was that word?"||seven x six AND PERHAPS SOMEONE ESLW 😳🤚😎😎Where stories live. Discover now