•.•.•^Chapter Seventeen^•.•.•

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The brunette ran up to the horse looking man and smiled. He was glad to see that Erwin went back to retrieve his friend. The raven walked up next to the boy's side, placing his arm around the brunette's waist.  Jean quickly took notice to who it was and bowed, "You're majesty, it would be a great honor if you were to let me work and serve you at the castle. I promise I'll do my very best and won't let you down."

The raven was about to decline but when he looked at how happy Eren looked, he nodded his head. The brunette needed some friends closer to his age anyways.

Jean stood up straight and smiled "Thank you."

Levi nodded slightly and looked over at Erwin, "Take Jean to where he'll be staying and show him around."

The tall blond nodded and guided Jean to the room he will be staying in leaving Eren and Levi alone.

The raven pulled the boy close to him, and placed a passionate kiss on his lips. Levi was so relieved to have the brat back in his arms and he didn't intend on ever having Eren out of his sight again.

He loved Eren...

He truly did...

This was the first person he ever let in after the incident with his mother...

Til this day he wished he had stopped her from going.

But you can't change what has happened in the past, you can only try and make the future brighter and now he has Eren to do that.

"Your majesty. I think you'll be happy to see who it is. You have two visitors waiting for you at the door."

The raven looked over at Petra who had a gentle smile on her face, he sent her a slight nod before turning to face Eren.

"I'll be back. Unless you want to come with me..." the brunette shook his head no and then smiled, "There's something I need to do first."

Levi just nodded and placed a gentle kiss on the boy's cheek before turning and walking away to see his awaited guests.


Eren watched as Levi walked away with a smile, once the raven was out of sight his smile faded and he slowly made his way to the kitchen. Before Oluo died he had stated he left something for Eren in the kitchen cabinet.
The boy was ready to see what it was. When he walked into the kitchen he made his way over to Oluo's cabinet and clenched his fists.

Eren took a deep breath and he reached his hand up to open it. When he did it revealed a brown book. The brunette grabbed it and looked at the cover, it had the words Cook Book on it.

The boy smiled before proceeding to open it, a small white envelope fell out and made impact with the floor. Eren placed the cook book down on the counter and reached down to pick up the item.

It was a letter for Eren...

The brunette opened it and began to read the letter that had been addressed to him.

Jeez kid...you won't believe it. The other day while cooking I got a hand cramp. A hand cramp! It hurt like hell. Looks like I'm getting a little to old for cooking, I can't cook like I used too...but don't worry, instead of me cooking alone I'll have you cook with me. Don't get the wrong idea Kid, I love cooking and I'm not gonna stop just from a little cramp. So I'm giving you this cook book so you can study my recipes and before you know it you'll be a skilled chef. I can't wait to see what it'll be like cooking in the kitchen with you. You're a great kid Eren, I can see why Levi took a liking to you. Now you better get to studying this book! Or I'll hit you with my wooden spoon!

Sincerely you're favorite chef,


P. S. I'll see you in the kitchen. ;)

Eren clenched his fists and he felt the tears begin to fall. "I'm sorry Oluo...it's all my fault...if I never came here...you wouldn't..."

The silent cries turned to loud sobs and the boy fell to the floor on his knees with his hands covering his face as he cried louder and louder. At this rate everyone in the castle will be able to hear him.

Hanji, Petra and Eld walked past the kitchen but stopped when they heard crying and peeked in to see Eren on the floor in tears. The three of them exchanged looks before walking over to him. They all nodded at each other and kneeled down, wrapping their arms around the young boy.

The brunette jumped in shock and was about to punch and kick but realized who it was. Eren felt more tears come and leaned into their group hug letting all his pain and sadness out.

But he wasn't crying alone...

Soon after, Hanji, Petra, and even Eld joined in.

Oluo was a great person and he will be remembered in their hearts.


"Big Bro!"

A young girl with dark red hair and emerald green eyes ran over to the raven and gave him a  a big hug with a wide smile. Levi placed his hand on her head and ruffled her head, "Hey Isabel." The raven looked up to see his other visitor and smirked.

"Hey Farlan. I'm guessing you missed me too."

"Ha. No way in hell."

A young man with silver blond hair and light gray eyes had a grin on his face and his arms were crossed.

"Ah, then what made you come and visit me?"

"Oh just got word that my friend found himself a lover. So I came to see who the crazy person is."

"Oi, if you got something to say, say it."

The two of them chuckled before making their way into the castle.

"I thought you guys were staying at my Uncle's castle."

"We were but Uncle Kenny said we could come and see you." Isabel stated with a wide smile, revealing her sharp fangs.

"Oh so he didn't send you to spy on me?" The raven crossed his arms as he walked with them in search of Eren. Where in hell did he go?

"Oh come on Levi, give your Uncle a little credit. He's happy for you ya know. That you found someone you love and all." The silver blond glared at the raven.

Levi was about to reply when he passed Hanji in the hallway.

"Hey Hanji. Have you seen Eren?"

The werewolf looked at the worried raven and smiled, "Yes. I was just with him. He went to your room."

The vampire nodded and guided Isabel and Farlan to his room. When they walked in Levi found Eren fast asleep in their bed.

"Oh my goodness! He's so cute!" Isabel whispered loudly.

"Wow Levi. Consider me impressed. You actually found someone almost hotter then you."

"Tch. Shut up."

A/N: I know it's a little late but I hope you all had a great holiday! Love you all! ❤️

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