•.•.•^Chapter Twenty-Nine^•.•.•

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Kuchel's Story

A delicate yet blood thirsty creature stood at the end of a table looking through blood samples of victims to the biggest threat they've faced. Her long black hair slicked back into a ponytail falling in the center of her back. Her silver colored eyes gazing through the scope as she watched cells disappear. A look of concern appeared on her face as she watched cells die off, one by one they faded into nothing.

    "So this is what it does..."

She stepped away from the scope and made her way over to her notebook, writing down her findings in neat incursive handwriting. She almost filled half the page when a knock came from her door, dropping her pen and walking over to the wooden block she opened it revealing a familiar face.

    "Ken. What brings you here?"

The older young man made his way inside gazing around at the vials and books laid on top of tables. "Just came to check on my little sister." The man turned to face the young woman and smiled, "Seems like you've been working hard."

Kuchel smiled and shut the door as she walked up to her older brother.

       "Yes. Gosh Ken I'm so close to finding a cure. If I just figure out what the virus fully does then I can create a cure that can reverse the damage. The cellular process is-"

The raven haired vampire stopped mid sentence as her brother let out a slight laugh.

      "Chel ya know I don't understand that science stuff. I'm sure you'll find a cure. You're smart, I know you have it in you."

The young female smiled, her eyes showing nothing but gratefulness and love for her brother.

"Thank you Ken."

"Thank you."


"Uncle Kenny!"

The young man knelt down on his knees as the little boy ran up to him, throwing his body into his Uncle's arms.

"Hey ya little runt!"

Kuchel stood in the hallway as she watched them reunite, a delicate smile on her face. The two of them meant the world to her, after losing her true love and having to take over as ruler of vampires with her son being too young, has taken its toll on her. Despite that she works hard and keeps a smile on her face, Kenny is aware that his sister is suffering silently and putting on the strong act and it worries him. As a result he'll do what he can to help her.

"Uncle Kenny! Mama said you know how to use a sword! Could you teach me!?"

Ken glanced at her sister with a look of surprise, Kuchel only smiled and nodded. The young man looked back at the little raven and smirked, "Sure runt. But I won't be an easy teacher."

Levi just smiled brightly and nodded with a determined look in his eye, "Yes sir!"


When the raven haired female returned to her lab she noticed an unexpected figure standing in front of one of her tables.

"King Pixis? What brings you here?"

The  werewolf glanced up at the vampire and smiled slightly, sliding his hand across the notebook containing Kuchel's notes and findings.

"Miss Ackerman, this newly found information is quite incredible. You're quite the researcher."

The young female nodded and adjusted her posture, "Yes I've been looking into the virus ever since the meeting we had. I will find a cure."


Kuchel's eyes widened, "I'm sorry? What do you mean no?"

Pixis glanced at the woman's confused and lost face, he walked swiftly across the room and in just seconds he was in front of the young woman.

"Kuchel I don't think you understand the situation you put yourself in. You've discovered a new way of cell life."

The vampire shook her head in denial and moved away from the man, "It's not a new way. This virus is killing off cells and breaking down the multicellular structure. The hosts of this virus loose their cells and their blood is lost. We need a cure."

The werewolf sighed and looked into the microscope, watching as the cells disappeared, "I went to the hospital today. Turns out there are only three patients who are infected. They're only kids. The rest have sadly, already lost their lives. I've done some research of my own. There's a way to save those three patients." Pixis looked up at Kuchel and held out his hand, "Work with me Kuchel. Let's save those kids together. Let me show you what I've discovered."


That following night Kuchel explained the situation to her older brother. Kenny wasn't to happy with the idea.

"I don't think you should go. That man sounds to shady. Those damn werewolves think they know everything."

The raven understood where her brother was coming from.

But still...

     "I know it is shady. But there are still sick patients. Kids Ken. If  I go with him to see what he has to show me. I can save those kids."

The two of them stared at each other in silence and the young man wrapped his arms around his sister, embracing her in a hug knowing she wasn't changing her mind.

"If he hurts you...I will kill him."

"I won't let him hurt me Ken. I promise."

I promise...

I'm going to save those kids!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2020 ⏰

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