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Seokjin "so sis....since you saw the entire hospital, are you ready for your first day as pediatrician???"

Y/n "i'm a little nervous.....but i know where is your office"

Seokjin "and if anything happens call me or go to my office....ok??"

Y/n "sure thing oppa"


Woman "ummm excuse me miss....i need my child to treated, right away!!!!"

Me "ok ma'am...please don't panic ok???"

Woman "can't you see that my precious child is sick?!?!?!"

Me "Zein...can you take care of this moment, i need to treat her daughter right away"

Zein "sure thing gurl...i gotchu"

Me "thanks gurl"

Child "ummm unnie...please tell my mom that i'm strong"

Me "sure...btw what's your name kid???"

i am taking to her while i am preparing a vaccine, but first i need to test her if she had a fever or not, then i am going to take her blood sample

Child "my name is byun caroline but you can call me carol unnie, what's your name???"

Me "my name is Y/n...oh carol, i'm going to put this on your underarm *takes out a thermometer* to see if you have a high fever or not...ok???"

Carol "ok unnie"

-----after some minutes-----

Me "oh dear...you have 39.5, so that means you have a fever, but is there something that is really hurt???"

Carol "m-my....(insert body part) *points at the body part*.....this part is really hurt"

Me "ok i'm going to get your blood sample...ok???, i promise that this will not hurt....just breathe in and think about the things that you love the most...ok???"

Carol "*sighs*....ok...3, 2, 1...*big deep breath*"

i am getting her blood sample....i better call dianne cause she's good at putting a dextrose, i procceed to dianne to show carol's file and she immediately grab her stuff for the dextrose and i am going to the phlebotomist and after that we're off to the ER. 

a/n: i'm not good at medical/doctors scenarios.....please forgive me

Ms. Choi "oh hey y/n...watchu doin' here???"

Me "oh hi Ms. Choi, i am going to give you this blood sample of byun caroline at pediatric ward 405"

Ms. Choi "ok...can you give me some minutes???"

Me "sure"

i waited for minutes and dianne rushed to me

Dianne "y/n....you need to be there"

Y/n "why??"

Dianne "Mrs. Byun...she's mad and she's looking for right now"

Y/n "HUH?!?!....wh-what happened to carol?!?!"

Dianne "go to her ward....right now, come on!!!"

Y/n "what about the blood sample"

Dianne "criselda will handle that thing"

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