She's Hot!

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Jungkook's POV:

  so her name is Y/n! And I guess she's nervous , after Jimin hyung really did a good performance, I think she's pressured now.
Jimin hyung take a sit beside me. and starting to wipe off his sweats.

" That was Good hyung" I complemented him , and he gave a smile.

" yah! Jiminah! I think she's having trouble now since you did a really good performance " taehyung spoke with a smirk, watching  y/n .

" Not my fault , Sir told us it's voluntary so I did it first." Jimin Eyed her from head to toe.
" and I guess she will do a good job, I know her ,we competed before and she's popular , see all the guys are looking at her like she's  a star"  Jimin spoke again , and drink his water.

So Jimin , knows her well I guess she's good, since we and  Jimin only joined big school events , and you have to be a really good dancer to be joined in that kind of events.  You think looking at her.

* Music start*
Her Eyes are  flaming like Fire,  her expression change just a second from Shy to Fierce and then from cute to sexy.
She really dance well and move her body right to the beat, I was left amazed by her.... my eyes widened and my heart skip a beat. .............. SHE'S HOT AF!.
The music stop and she bows with a smile. evryone clapped and complemented her as she goes back to her place with a shy smile on her face.

" Woah! she's really good, I like her attitude!" Taehyung spoke and joined everyone from clapping.

" Told yah! she's good. I even like her before. " my head move toward Jimin after he said that, I was confused at how I didn't know about it ,that they have a passed relationship!.

" hyung? you mean she became your Girl?"  I ask in panicked , as jealousy arise in me, which i didn't know why.

" Ahhaha NO!  I didn't court her idiot! Just like this guys in the room , I was amazed at how talented she is, you see that eyes of her? I fall for that. But we didn't meet in person,  I just admire her, since everyone said that she's not a push over, and she's very hard to please. Thats why I didn't court her" Jimin Speak with a smirk on his face  like he never regretted it.

" ohhhhh I didn't know ,that PARK JIMIN has that kind of fearrrr......"  a smirking taehyung commented  that gain a head slap from jimin.

" You should try approaching her Mr. lets see who will be embarrassed after that." jimin raise an eye brow at taehyung and  he just smirk with confidence.

" What do you mean? she seems friendly? see she's smiling to every guy who wanted to spoke with her."   taehyung pointed Y/n with her lips and the 3 of us pasted our eyes on her..... taehyung is right you seemed friendly to everyone and showing them your respect by bowing from their complement.

" Yeah , that's why I like her before, she's very Humble and friendly,  but if you try to court her or have a fling with her she's not the person who wanted attention from that kind of situation. they even call her " Miss  NO for that." Jimin said glancing on you.

" Is she rich? how come I didn't know her, if she's this popular?" taehyung ask jimin again.

" I guess no, based from my friend Taemin  who courted her and got rejected, she always take a bus to go home., he knows that since he tried to accompany her going home." jimin answered

"ohhh  well I guess she's just being protective for her self, she's smart, and knows how the world of riches run." taehyung said and nooded.

" Yeah I guess so and I think she knows what she's doing" Jimin nooded too

I was listening to them and got amazed by her personality,  how that kind of a girl refuses , a millionaires son? that is a model, and every girl wishes for?! she's really something else. I just smiled while looking at her.

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