Just Try

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"Why so serious, Gaven? You look like your mom just found out you got a C in math," I laughed. Nervously.

"Uh... oh, you're joking, haha. No, it's just... Ian scares me sometimes..." He stood up, his backpack in hand, "Are we going to work on the project now?"

"Mhmm. Over here." I led him into the study room, the prepped table ready for working. "These are all my supplies. We don't have to clean this room up until the project is done. No one uses this room except me anyway. Just put your stuff anywhere."

"So we have to create the biggest work of art we can with our three identities mixed together. So I guess we have to pick one element of ourselves and create art with it, while it fits in with the element of the other two people. Oh..." Ian said, reading the project outline printout our teacher handed to us.

"That sounds easy enough. So, what kind of artwork are we doing. Painting, sculpture, photo....?" Gav shrugged.

"I'm good with just about anything. It's easier if we only choose one. I can't think of anyway to incorporate a painting with a sculpture," I said. Well I could... (#realistproblems). 

"I think a painting is good. Like, a HUGE one," Ian said, spreading his arms out wide and spinning. He made me and Gav laugh.

"Okay, but what are our elements, and how do we fuse them as one work of art?" Gaven said.

"Well, mine is in details. Saragosa always tells me my art is terrible. Except for the beautiful details." I said.

"Well Saragosa's crazy. That's why being an art teacher is the best job for him." Ian said. True.... true...

"But you are really good at detail. I'm good at coloring. Not like crayons and a printed out drawing, but I'm good at doing the color combinations, filling in white spaces, accent colors... that kind of stuff. I can't draw for shit but I sure can make the colorblind see colors. Not really, but..." Gaven smiled. Oh Jesus, that smile. I bit down on more beef jerky instead of failing to bite my lip.

"Well hell, I'm good at drawing. I think we got this all played out for us, guys. I can draw in black and white, Lieszel will fix it up with the details, you can do your coloring, and Lieszel will go back and let her OCD flourish." Ian joked. Or he had better be.

"Okay, sounds like a plan. But what are we going to draw? Or paint?" I asked. This was actually more productive than I expected. If it had just been me and Damian, we'd never finish even remembering we had a project to start.

"Let's just do it randomly. Ain't nobody got time to fricking decide." Ian said hilariously. I had to laugh.

"Okay. That works." With that, we tore up a bunch of random pieces of paper and wrote down some ideas for subjects for the project. After ten minutes, we each had at least twenty pieces of paper each.

"Well.... this'll be fun," I mumbled with jerky held between my teeth while I collected all the papers.

"Here. Let's use my hat," Ian said. I put all the papers in and Ian shook them up. Very well. "Okay, man. You pick first. We'll pick three, so we're not just painting one thing." Gaven dug into the hat pulled out  "Stalactites and stalagmites."

"Who wrote this one?" he asked.

"It just seemed like an interesting thing to work with. It could be the main focus, or just a filler concept. It's a pretty convenient idea. simple and complex at the same time," Ian said. He and I had worked on a science project together on caves and mineral formations. It wasn't a bad idea

I reached into the hat and pulled out the second piece of paper. "Love and hearts" Crap. I bit straight through my beef jearky. 

"Oh, cool. So cave decor and romance. Nice. This is totally going to work," Ian said. He picked the third idea for our piece.

"So now we have stalactites, stalagmites, hearts, love, and... darkness. Well then..." I said.

"Well, I suggest that since we each have our own motif, we work on it individually, then incorporate them later." Gaven thought for a moment. 

"I don't see why not. Except Lieszel here doesn't know anything about he-arts," Ian sing-songed.

"It's okay. I don't know anything about stalacties and stalagmites. Just try, okay?" Gaven sait and patted my shoulder. HE TOUCHED ME! GUYS! HE TOUCHED ME

Hear that? Just try.

Just try.


Hello again!

Like the chapters? Good. The picture is Ian sitting on a table in the room they're making art in.

^o^ K bai.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 12, 2015 ⏰

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