chapter 3 final pt. 1

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A/n: thank you for waiting for my SLOW slow ass to update. Ive had some family issues but I won't bore you with the details, now on with the story.

Not proof read.

(Time leap of six years, Nari is 8 years old jimin died 2 months before her second birthday. Jungkook is now thirty four and Jimin would have been thirty six.)

Jk p.o.v

"Hey sweetheart, how was your d-"

"Leave me alone!" She ran past me and slammed her room door shut.




Did I do wrong now?

I just asked how her day was..

Sighing, I walk up the stairs to the shut door. I can hear her sniffing from the hallway and my heart aches. I debate knocking or just leaving her alone, not wanting another blow up.

I knock on the door.


"Go away,"

I sigh and sit on the floor in front of her door.

"I can't. I have to stay here and protect you from the monsters."

" I promised him you know, I promised that I'd protect you and stay by your side for as long as you needed me to. "

to keep you safe,

To love you when nobody else does,

Just like he did for me.


It was cold through my thin jacket as I was walking around the park that night, sporting a new bruise on my cheek.

My father was abusive and my mother ran out on us when i was a baby. I decided to run away from my hell house but I didn't really think out my plan. So now I'm just wandering the streets hoping to find safety and warmth, just for tonight.

By the looks of it I'll probably be back to my dad's before the new sun comes up. I think sadly. I sit on a swing and tried to tune out the bone chilling cold. Before I new it I fell asleep.

I woke up hours later to the first sun rays beaming in my eyes through a canopy of leaves. Strangely enough I wasn't cold on this late November morning.

No, I wasn't cold, in fact i was warm.

Almost too warm.

I look at my surroundings and notice im on a little plush couch wrapped in a maroon blanket. My clothes have been changed and instead of a crusty black shirt and jacket with dirty ripped jeans, im in a white sweater and grey joggers along with fuzzy white socks.

I look in front of myself to see a mirror. My appearance has changed as well. My hair had been washed as combed for the first time in a long time. My face had been washed as well and I can see the numerous cuts on my face had been gently but meticulously tended to. The larger gash on my left temple had been bandaged. Overall, I look like shit but better than I did .

I look to my left and in the corner of the room was a little white loveseat. And on the loveseat was a bundle of fluffy white blankets. Wrapped in those blankets was a man with fluffy blonde hair, who was most likely to be my caregiver.

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