Dark Love: Part 9 | pt1: Friends or Frienemy?

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"Hey Webby, remember Lena?" I asked, "Of course I do. She's my ex." Webby replied "Well, I was at her hideout and happened to see her." I said "Apparently she's my foster sister!" I said. "Wait, y-you're her sister?!" yelled Webby. "Yes, but actually no. I'm her foster sister, Webbigail." I said. "Oh my god! Violet! Did you know about Magica-" Lena cut her off, "Shut up Webby!" she bumped her with her elbow. 

"Magica? Why, yes... However, I am confused." I said, "Magica died over 100 years ago. How did she return as of recently?" I followed. "Are you sure you got the right duck?" Lena asked. "Why, of course I do. See?" I showed them the book cover: 'Magica De Spell's Origin'

"What the- How'd you get that!?" Lena yelled. "Everyone, calm down!" Webby said, Lena and I immediately went silent. "

"Violet, how about you tell Lena how you got the book? Maybe she'll understand." Webby said. "Okay, well..."

[Violet - Voice Over] It was back in the Shadow War--

(Record Scratch)

[Lena] "Okay, (Chuckle) this is already ridiculous."
[Violet] "How so?"
[Lena] "I never dropped a book during that war!"
[Webby] "Just let her finish her story and stop arguing!" 

[Violet - Voice Over] It was back in the Shadow War... I was wondering around the beach when I found Lena's amulet-

 I was wondering around the beach when I found Lena's amulet-

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I also happened to find... a trail.

[Violet - Flashback] "Huh...?" I picked up the page. 'Magica De Spell: Chapter 1' was written on the top. 

[Violet - Voice Over] A trail... of pages. When I reached the end of the trail, I hadn't even found half of the pages. It was then when my luck hit the ground, the wind blew the pages out of my hand.

The breeze lead me to--

[Webby] (Squealing) 

*Fades back to present*
[Violet] "Webby, stop."
[Webby] "Sorry..."
[Violet] (Clears throat)

*Fades to flashback*
[Violet - Voice Over] The breeze lead me to... 
[Violet - Flashback] "More pages...?" I picked up the pages the wind blew away, then grabbing the remaining pages.

[Violet - Voice Over] I was excited, hoping the wind would lead me on once again. 
[Violet - Flashback] "Hello? Uh, wind?" I looked around. "Hello...?" I raised a brow.

?" I raised a brow

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"Well... I- AH!" A shadow monster came down and almost hit me on the head. "Watch it you- (Growls)" 

[Violet - Voice Over] That's when I saw her come down from the Money Bin. Magica was in front of me. 

[Magica - Flashback] "Why, hello little ducky!"
[Violet - Flashback] "I'm a hummingbird, and give me my pages back!"
[Magica - Flashback] "Why would I give you -- a hummingbird -- something that would most likely EXPOSE me!?"
[Violet - Voice Over] That's when I took the amulet, aimed it at her thinking she'd get stuck inside. Boy was I wrong. I just reversed time before she even got there.

So, using my Junior Woodchuck skills, I made several traps. Cages, secret holes, Etc. 
I was shocked to see them work. 

[Violet - Voice Over (Rewind)] That's when I saw her come down from the Money Bin. Magica was in front of me.

[Magica - Flashback (Rewind)] "Why hello little du--"
[Violet - Flashback] (Clears throat) (Pointing downwards)
[Magica - Flashback (Rewind)] (Looks down) "AAAAAAAAAAAAAH!"

[Violet - Voice Over] So I ran off before she could get up. 
The pages, clutched in my hand I ran off, all the way to Lena's hideout. 
I heard her, Magica. She caught up to me. I frantically looked for a place to hide. I hid behind some curtains, surprised to see... 
[Violet - Flashback] "P-pages!" I whispered.
[Violet - Voice Over] I was shocked. I saw the last bunch of pages I needed!
I ran out and Magica almost got me but I ran away just in time. I put the amulet in my bag, along with the pages.

I arrived under a bridge and took a book I already had, ripped all pages out and scribbled over the original title. I wrote the title on the back 'The Story of Magica' "No..." I said, scribbling that out. Then writing 'Magica De Spell's Origin'

*Fades back to present*

"Wow..." Lena said.
Webby was squealing.
"So...? Forgive m--"

[Scrooge] "GIRLS! We have a guest!"
[Lena, Webby, Violet] "Oh boy..."

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⏰ Last updated: May 10, 2020 ⏰

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