Chapter Thirteen - Dragonstone

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It had taken a while, but the Battle of the Bastards was won by Jon. Thousands of men died, including your littlest brother, Rickon. You had watched from the sidelines as Jon rode his horse as hard and as fast as he could to get to Rickon. Right as their fingers were about to touch, an arrow went through Rickon's chest. You let out a scream and your knuckles turned white from clutching your horse's reins. A few tense moments passed as Davos readied the men and Jon raced his horse towards Ramsey. You had wanted to fight, but you promised Jon you would stay on the sidelines.

Most of the battle was over when you rode into Winterfell. Jon was punching Ramsey in the face repeatedly and you couldn't help a satisfied smirk from going on your face. Sansa was standing next to you and her face was impossible to read. There was neither joy nor disgust on her face, but you knew that she was enjoying the sight of Ramsey being beaten. When Jon saw that the two of you were watching him, he stopped. Ramsey looked over and had a stupid grin on his face.

Calmly, you walked over to them. Jon had gotten up from the ground. Looming over Ramsey, you cocked your head to the side as you looked at him. You had a dangerous glint in your eyes and before anyone could stop you, you stomped on Ramsey's dick as hard as you could. All the men that were watching gasped and most of them went to protect themselves. Ramsey was now in a fetus position and you knelt down next to him.

"You are a coward and a cunt. You mutilated Theon, you killed Rickon, and you violated my sister. If I could, I would kill you over and over and over until you were broken and pleading for mercy. Then I would keep killing you," you hissed. Standing up gracefully, you kicked him again and spat on the ground beside him. You walked over to Sansa and the two of you walked into the castle.

"That wasn't very ladylike," Sansa said.

"That moment didn't call for a Lady." You looked at her from the corner of your eye. When you locked eyes, the both of you started to laugh uncontrollably.

"D-Did you see the faces of every man?" Sansa said between laughs.

"That I did. Oh that was great!"

"I wish I had the courage to do something like that."

"You do, love. You have more courage than you think. Most people who went through the things you did wouldn't be able to make it. But you had the courage and the bravery to power through and get to the silver-lining." You grabbed her hands. "Just because you don't see it, doesn't mean others don't. You are brave, and strong, and kind."

"You really think so?"

"I do," you said, kissing her on the forehead. You had to pull her head down to kiss her.

"Seven Hells!" You exclaimed. "Stop growing! You're my younger sister, not older. You shouldn't be taller than me."

"I'm not in charge of that, sorry," Sansa giggled. You smiled and caressed her cheek.

"Go rest. We've got a long day tomorrow."


The next week flew by. There were countless meetings to discuss the fate of some Houses. Ravens were flying in from almost every place in Westeros. There was one from Cersei in King's Landing, asking Jon to go there and bend the knee; Tyrion sent one from Dragonstone asking Jon to come and meet Daenerys Targaryen; and Samwell Tarly sent a raven from the Citadel, stating that there was Dragonglass at Dragonstone. You knew that Jon was going to accept Tyrion's offer and travel there. You decided to go with him. When the meeting was over, you walked up to Jon.

"I'm going with you," you said.

"What? No, it's too dangerous. Too risky."

"It is for you as well, don't deny it. We can both handle ourselves. I'm going and that's the end of it."

Jon looked to argue with him, but you silenced him with a look.

"Fine," Jon sighed. "You can come with me. But if things get too testy, I want you to go straight back to Winterfell. Deal?"



The next day, you and Jon left for White Harbor with Ser Davos. You had packed only a few pair of trousers, one tunic, and your weapons. You were excited and nervous about meeting with Daenerys. Things would either go very wrong and the three of you would be dead before you knew it, or she would agree to help the North in its fight against the White Walkers. Tyrion was her hand and you knew he had a good head on his shoulders, but you weren't too sure about his Queen. The Targaryen's could be very unstable. You knew it wasn't right to judge people based on who their family was, but you felt very uneasy about her.

It took a few days, but you had finally reached Dragonstone. You took a longboat to the beach and was greeted by Tyrion, a woman, and around ten Dothraki. Walking beside Jon, you faced the Lannister.

"The bastard of Winterfell and his lovely sister," Tyrion said. "We weren't expecting you, my lady."

"Dwarf of Casterly Rock. My sister joining us was a last minute decision."

"One made by me. I wanted to join my brother to see Dragonstone for myself," you said with a sweet smile. "It's as beautiful as I imagined."

"Well you are certainly welcome, Lady [y/n]," Tyrion said to you. To Jon he said, "I believe we last saw each other atop the Wall."

"You were pissin' off the edge if I remember right. Picked up some scars along the road?"

"It's been a long road. But we're both still here." The two of them looked at each other with understanding in their eyes. It really had been a long and painful road.

"Missandei is the Queen's most trusted advisor," Tyrion said, introducing the woman standing next to him.

"Welcome to Dragonstone. Our Queen knows it was a long journey and appreciates the efforts you have made on her behalf," Missandei paused. "If you wouldn't mind handing over your weapons."

Jon and you looked at the other and then at Davos. You were very hesitant about handing weapons over. Being unarmed in a foreign place didn't settle right with you. You knew that Jon felt the same way, but he just smiled and agreed.

"Of course," he said. 

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