Charter Three

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" NO fuckin way! You've got to be kidding me!"

" No I'm not  Chris it's true, all true. "

Knowing Keyoné he had to say something.  " What did the wife say she wanted him dead for?"

" I didn't ask but I did ask did he have a criminal record or if he was corrupt. "

Simultaneously "AND!"

I exclaimed with an exasperated sigh " He's clean! I even did my own research he's a damn boy scout.  I can't kill him. "

" You're going to let looks get in the way of your job?"

" No I think Olly has a conscious,  she won't kill an innocent. "

" No,  Hell no that ain't stop her before!"

"No this is my first time getting a case where someone isn't guilty.  They all have been dirty. "

I wasnt lieing when I said that, I was serious this was a first for me.  Plus he was sooooooo sexy. NO business! He's married and my target.

" Hello is this Stephoné Miller?"

( whispering) " Chrissy what the hell are you doing?!"
*Chrissy shushed me and left the room*
" Hi, my name is Christine David O'Keanal.  How are you?"

" I'm fine, how may I help you?"

" oh,  I'm a friend of a friend and we're having a social event. I found your card and figured why not invite you along. "

" Sure I wouldn't mind attending"

" ok we're going to be using the gym at the  Proviso East High School on the 11th of January. "

" ok, what is the theme of the party?"

" It's my best friend's birthday, Olive O'Neal she'll be.....26 yea, 26 years old"

" ohhhhh 26 such a wonderful age,  I'm 10 years her senior I see. "

" wow, you're 36, never would've known. "

" See you there,  chow"

"  Goodbye "
* Chris reentered the room to a waiting Olly and  Keyoné*

"CHRISTINE what is your problem? Why did you just call him?"

" I did it because I want to see him for myself"

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