Chapter Five

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"OH, this is so beautiful " was Oliver's first statement. 

" I know, it really is.  This is my favorite one of all. "

" I can see why"

Host: Your seats are ready Mr. Miller.

"Thank you, Olive lead the way. "


They were seated in the booth farthest in the back.  When they were seated and comfortable the waitress came and introduced herself as Melody.  She handed them the menus and said she would be back momentarily. 

" So Mrs. O'Neal what made you email me again?"

"It's Miss and I wanted to get to know you better since do know the same people. "

"My apologies.  Right, ok,  so what did you have in mind? "

*the waitress returned and took their orders*

"Well to start how are you?"

"I'm fine, you?"

"I'm ok, so how's work?"

" ummmm work is work.  When you're dealing with fast food and money what could go wrong? "

*chuckles * " right, I deal with computers, so boring I guess. "

" You do your job so people like me can have an insurance company to be insured with.  I'm with 68 billion dollars, being insured is very important. "

" You are huh,  that's a lot quite wow"

"I know but enough about work,  I would love to learn more about you."

"Oh *chuckles nervously* um there isn't much, what would you like to know?"

"Why is it you have so much interest in me?"

A little caught off guard Olive didn't know how to respond so she sat there. 

*the waitress returned with their food*

"Ok well can I ask why my wife hired you to do her dirty work?"

Olive gasped so hard she began to choke.

"Sorry,  I shouldn't have come on so hard. "

"No it's ok, um how did you know?"

"Well this isn't her first attempt on my life, all I do is rebound her. "

"I just want you to know I don't plan to kill you.  I don't know why, I just have a feeling I shouldn't. "

"Well I think that's good and thank you but i will warn you my wife is what we call in the office a pit "

"I understand but ummmmmmm there's a lot about me you don't know. "

"Oh,  I know,  I won't tell you that right now tho. "

"Hold on...."

Stephoné cut her off by calling for the waitress, paid the bill and requested Olive take a walk with him. Him being the perfect gentleman still Olive couldn't refuse even if she wanted. By the time they left the restaurant it was dark outside. 

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