steven x reader (Christmas special)

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Me and my sister connie were decorating our Christmas tree, we also invited Steven and the gems over but lil did I know what Connie had planned......

(Y/n)'s POV

I put the last ball on the tree "looking good" I heard Connie say
I nodded "Mhm, I agree"

"Well, I'll get the snacks done" Connie said before walking off to the kitchen
"Ok!" I said then putting all the presents perfectly down
"So now that's done, we just need some music..." I said to myself and turned on some Christmas music

I sighed happily and sat down on the couch.
Soon Connie came in with snacks and put them on the table then sitting next to me
"This is going to be great" she said I nodded "yeah, it will!"

Then we heard a knock.
We both got up and Connie opened the door
"Merry Christmas!!!" I heard Steven and the gems say as they entered in giving each other hugs

Time skip~~~

We opened our presents and I saw Steven coming over to me with a small gift "h-here, f-for you..(y-y/n).." He stuttered
I chuckled softly, blushing light
"Awe thanks" I said taking in then opening it...
I gasped as I saw a beautiful heart shape  necklace with my name on it

"Omg Steven" I looked at him "this is beautiful!" I said, hugging him tight
"Thank you.."

He hugged back "your welcome"

Then we heard someone snicker
We both looked at them as Connie pointed over us,

Me and Steven looked up and blushed as we saw a mistletoe

"You know the ruuules~" connie said and I glared at her while cursing under my breath

Then Steven gently grabbed my chin "?!" I looked at him blushing more

He kissed me

I blushed deeply as we pulled away, we both stare at each other as the others cheered

He smiled softly and kissed me again

"You know...(y/n), I really love you.." He said in a soft tone

I was kinda shocked what he just said but sighed, smiling softly

"I love you too, Steven universe..and....

Merry Christmas.."

"Merry Christmas (y/n)"

Then we kissed earning an 'awe' form the others.....


Merry Christmas guys!
Hope you all had a great Christmas!!!

Sorry if its short.... Again

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