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I'm back, I figured I would tell you more about me. (A/N: NONE OF THIS IS CANNON) Yes, thank you, admin. Admin is not actually Vivsie, therefore this is all fannon. Anyway, I was born in England around the turn of the century, I didn't really talk much, but I wrote a lot, after I learned how. I would be 29 if I were still alive, I died at the age of 17. I was an orphan, and I killed a lot of the other kids in the orphanage. I would preform experiments on them, and they would inevitably die from the experiments. I fed a baby milk laced with arsenic for a month, and she died after another month. I gave a toddler a knife and told them that it is fun to slit your own throat. He did and died almost instantly. I kicked one kid so hard that his heart literally stopped, they were able to revive him, but he was pronounced brain dead. I managed to get into that same kid's room and sliced his wrists open and, I am not kidding when I say this next part, I laughed as he stared at me as he died. I taunted the poor boy until he completely flatlined. My birthday was yesterday, I'll let you do the math on the year, but I am serious when I say I'd be 29 this year.

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