Chapter 10

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Rose watched the passing houses silently as Emily chatted excitedly about her upcoming date. They hadn't stayed mad at each other long after the hospital visit. After some much needed apologizing from both sides, some tears from Emily and the promise never to fight again, all was good.

Emily had been driving Rose around for the past week on the account of Rose's "bum" leg. Rose had to admit it wasn't too bad. She got to spend some more time with Emily and got a break from driving. Though she didn't like to have to pretend to be injured. It meant she had to ask for help doing everyday things, like driving or carrying her stuff. Her leg had healed completely and she was perfectly capable of doing things on her own, but no one could know that. Everyone was treating her like she was this fragile little thing and she hated it. It reminded her too much of how it used to be with...

Emily's voice broke through her reverie. "Hey, are you listening?"

"Yeah, of course I am. You're really looking forward to this date. The only problem is, you have nothing to wear."

Emily looked at her suspiciously. "Yeah...You got lucky this time."

Rose laughed. She had taken a guess. "I really was listening." Then she pouted a bit and put on her best sad face. "You know, it hurts when you doubt me like that."

Emily clicked her tongue and rolled her eyes. "Please. That face only worked the first few times we started hanging out. I've grown immune to it and to your charms." She pulled into Rose's driveway and put the car in neutral.

"Oh Emily. You see right through me. Looks like I'll have to work on a new way to fool you." Rose joked. If only Emily knew the truth about how good an actress she really was.

"Yeah, yeah. Now get out so I can go get ready for my date." Emily replied hurriedly.

"Wow. So much for being best friends. Ditch me for the first cute guy you meet."

Emily smiled sweetly. "Rose, I love you. But this guy is really hot and I will throw you out of this car if I have to."

Rose laughed and got out of the car, steadying herself on her crutches. "Bye Emily. Don't do anything I wouldn't do." And with that she closed the door and walked to the front door.

She walked in and noticed that the smell of pine hung in the air. She frowned and closed the door, placing her crutches and the bag on the floor before heading down the hallway and taking a right at the end. She entered the kitchen and poured herself a glass of orange juice from the fridge.

"Would the kind Doctor also like a glass?" she asked, her back facing the kitchen door.

A deep voice spoke behind her. "No, thanks. I already had some."

She turned to face him. He stood in the doorway, arms crossed. He looked quite different without his white coat and she noticed the muscles in his arms bulging beneath his shirt. She took a sip of the juice and put the carton back in the fridge.

He spoke again, his voice full of curiosity. "You know, you turn your back way too freely to what could potentially be an enemy."

Rose leaned against the counter at the opposite end of the small room. Examining him carefully. "And you apparently just walk into strangers' homes and drink their orange juice. We all have our faults." She took another sip of juice before continuing.

He chuckled at this. "You missed your check up."

"Yep. It kind of felt like a waste of time since you and I both know there's nothing to check up on, as you can see." With this she motioned towards her leg.

"I didn't schedule the checkup for your leg. I thought we could talk in a neutral environment."

"Oh, you mean neutral as in there will be a lot of other people so we can't just tear each other to shreds?"

He nodded. "Exactly. I wanted to avoid talking in a private secluded place." He looked around. "Like this."

She sighed. She had no patience for dancing around a subject. "How about we cut to the chase? Why are you here?"

He was silent for a moment, examining her carefully. "I'm here to suggest a truce."

At this her eyebrows lifted in surprise. "A truce?"

He shrugged. "Yes. I know it's not common for our kind in this day and age, but times have changed. There aren't so many of us left. We're facing the barrel of the gun here. Instead of fighting, we might as well stand together. Look out for each other."

Rose had no idea what to say. This was so out of the ordinary for the times they were living in. When she didn't say anything, he continued.

"Look, I'm tired of doing this alone. I want someone to have my back when I need it. Someone to talk to who will understand what I am. Don't you?"

She had to admit. It did sound good. She missed having someone who could understand her lycan specific problems. Someone who could give her advice. The only problem was, she didn't know if she could trust him. But, on the other hand it might be good to keep him close. She would be able to keep a closer eye on him. After a few more seconds of deliberation, she had made a decision.

"Ok, I'm in."

At this he smiled. "Really? You are?"

She nodded slowly. "Yeah. I was not particularly in the mood to kill you anyway. It's such a hassle having to worry about disposing of the body."

He snorted at this. "Who said anything about me being the one who ended up dead? I've got a few kilos on you if you hadn't noticed."

She rolled her eyes. "Oh please. You reason like a child. Looks can be deceiving, especially in our world. Skill and experience can beat physicality easily." For a moment pain flashed in her eyes. She crossed her arms and her eyes drifted to the floor. "I've faced far worse than you. And I'm still here."

He looked at her, examining her face curiously. "The scar on your back? That was the 'worse'?"

She nodded and swallowed hard, before looking up. "So, truce?"

He nodded and walked towards her, holding out his hand. "Truce."

She stepped up to him and shook his hand, his hand almost swallowing hers.

Things were about to get interesting.

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