♥♥♥ Barry Allen X Diana (twin brother-sister): Magic With A Little Twist ♥♥♥

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As the final phase of the last battle was coming to an end and Barry was getting ready to let himself die in order for everyone else to live, his sister Diana saw that and instead jumped before everyone and was standing faster than her twin before the wave that was ready to erase all of man kind

Barry: Diana, what are you doing?! Get out of the way.

Diana: I'm sorry Barry.... but I can't let you die *says as a rare kind of energy starts to form in her hands* Not just yet

Barry: Diana don't do this...

Diana however only smilesin return as she starts walking towards the wave while the rare energy around her grows as a secret kind of chant fills the air around everyone just as Cisco, Caitlin, Iris, Joe, Oliver and Kara come around Barry as well

(Believix, Believix)
(Believix, Believix)
(Believix, Believix)

Iris: what's happening?
Cisco: something is happening aright...
Joe: yeah, but what?

Believix, you're magical
All you gotta do is believe in yourself
And everythin' will change
You got the power

Meanwhile Diana continues to move towards the wave as her speed increases as she starts to levitate off the ground and starts flying forward instead

Iris, cisco, Caitlin, joe and Barry: what the?! *surprised and shocked at what their seeing*

Believix, so wonderful
Feel the magic comin' out from your heart
Everything is possible
It's a higher energy

that's when a couple of kids appear with their teacher and they stare in awe at the female while one comes up to the woman and says
a little girl: Mommy look isn't that the lady we met back when we were attacked by that mad man the joker?
the teacher: It seems so honey ... but how did u recognize her?
the little girl: Cause she's the only girl I know that can fly on pixie dust mommy

Iris, Cisco, Caitlin, Joe and Barry's eyes widen upon hearing that

Diana then stops mid air as she opens her arms wide open as the wave closes in on her while she opens her mouth and starts to chant in the form of a song

Diana: Believix, you're magical
All you gotta do is believe in yourself
And everythin' will change
You got the power

they all share looks not believing what their seeing and hearing.
Meanwhile Oliver and Kara are smirking a little as they watch Diana.

Diana: *starts to grin as well as she feels the positive energy keep growing around her by the minute* Believix, so wonderful
Feel the magic comin' out from your heart
Everything is possible
It's a higher energy
This is the power of Winx

the West family along with Barry continue to watch and listen to Diana.

(Believix, Believix)
(Believix, Believix)
(Believix, Believix)

one boy soon says tho "I do believe in fairies"which leads to the whole class of kids to says it one after another that makes the so called rare energy starts flying everywhere around Diana as it makes her glow with a special gold colored aura just as the wave is about to make a clash with her

all of them: Diana is a...fairy...*eyes still wide with shock, surprise, disbelief and a bit of awe*

Diana: Believix, you're magical
All you gotta do is believe in yourself
And everythin' will change
You got the power

Believix, so wonderful
Feel the magic comin' out from your heart
Everything is possible

the kids: It's a higher energy
(It's a higher energy)

Diana: It's a higher energy *sings with a high note in the end just as her transformation sequence commences*

Iris: i never knew Diana could sing like that...
Cisco, Joe, and Caitlin: neither did we.
Barry: i knew my sister was amazing but this is also new to me. *says his eyes not once leaving Diana*

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