♥♥♥ Barry Allen X Diana ♥♥♥

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While Barry fought for hislife with Oliver and Kara against Reverse Flash, Overgirl and Dark Arrow duringthe Crisis a set of lazer blasts appear out of no where and knock the enemy outshortly before a high tech motor bike parks close to him with the driver 

While Barry fought for hislife with Oliver and Kara against Reverse Flash, Overgirl and Dark Arrow duringthe Crisis a set of lazer blasts appear out of no where and knock the enemy outshortly before a high tech motor bike parks close to him with t...

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being the one and only Diana who Barry once lost in a time warp disaster

Diana's outfit:

Diana's outfit:

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Barry: No...it can't be...

Diana: Now this is what I call power taken down

Barry: you can say that again...how did you even...

Diana: What?

Barry: that lazer blast...how did you servive...

Diana: I was the one who shot it *says as she motions to her motorbike* And I wasn't dead. I ended up on a paralel Earth

Barry: i don't believe it...your okay...

Diana: Seems so doesn't it

Barry without thinking takes Diana into his arms hugging her tight and close while also placing kisses all over her face as he also starts spinning her around feeling pure joy and relief.


Shortly after that of course everything goes crazy and a major battle happens by the end of which Barry ends up on a hospital bed in STAR LABS while Kara and Oliver spoke with Diana while she watched him with guilt and worry

Kara: hey don't worry Diana, he's gonna be okay.
Oliver: *nods* she's right, he'll pull threw this.

Diana: I know but he still didn't have to do that. I could have found a way out of my own mess for once

Oliver: yet he still did it.

Diana: Iris isn't going to like this one bit *says as tears well up in her eyes*

Kara: i know, but this is not your fault. *says taking Diana into her arms* don't cry, Barry wouldn't want to see you like this.
Oliver: she'll just have to deal with it.

Diana: Maybe I should go. He is getting married soon anyways and the last thing he needs is to stress over me out of no where

Kara and Oliver share looks as their thinking the same.
Oliver: i don't think that's a good idea.
Kara: *nods* Think about how he's been without you for so long...
Oliver: he'll only stress more and do stupid things if your not around him.

And just then Barry starts to wake up to which Caitlin comes in with Iris just to hear him ask for only one person that is still burned into his mind and memory

Cailtin: he's awake...
Iris: he's asking for you Diana. *says trying not to show that she doesn't like it*

Diana is questioning if she should step in not really sure if this is going to go well for anyone

Kara, Caitlin, Oliver: go on Diana. *say as they gesture for her to go in*

Diana shakes her head tho and starts moving towards the nearest exit instead

Iris: *sighs* Diana wait...please go to him.

Diana: I can't. I'm sorry. Just tell him that I'm fine and that I will see him around eventually

at that all of them frown

Diana: And I hope your wedding goes well this time

Caitlin: Diana...didn't you hear yet?

Diana: Hear what?

Cailtin: he called it off.

Diana: What? But why?

Iris: he said i'm not the one for him...Diana...just go to him...he can tell you everything.

Diana: No. I really can't. I caused him enough harm as it is *says as she starts stepping out*
Suddenly however Barry's heart monitor starts flat linning while he starts shifting in pain as if his heart was being slowly ripped out of his chest andd broken into millions of pieces

Kara, Oliver, Caitlin and Iris: Barry! No!

Barry then starts crying and screaming begging for someone to bring Diana to him as if his life depended on it

Kara, Oliver, Iris and Caitlin: Diana please...He needs you...Now!

Diana whines as well and tries to block his screams from her ears with her hands moments before Iris walks over to her

Iris: okay, that's it. I can't watch this anymore. *grabs Diana and starts dragging her to Barry*

Meanwhile Barry keeps trashing around till he gets a view of Iris and Diana which causes him to calm down and return his heart beat to its normal pace

Iris: *lets out a breath of relief feeling her own heart beat slow down again while making sure to keep a good grip on Diana* Stay, you hear me?

Diana: But *whines as well moments before Barry seats up and motions for Iris to bring her over*

Iris: *smiles and pushes her closer* here she is Barry.
Barry: thank you Iris. *says softly his eyes are on Diana as tears have well up in them*

Diana: Idiot. Why the hell did you do that for?

Barry: you were leaving me...*frowns*

Diana: So? Since when is that news to anyone?

Barry: So? You have no idea what you mean to me do you?

Diana: Enlighten me.

Barry: Fine, your my most precious person and you mean everything to me. I can't live without you with me...don't do this to me.

Diana: But if I stay I will doom eveyone around me

Barry: No, that's not true.

Diana: You have no idea what kind of people are after me Barry

Barry: I don't care, i'm not living without you...i just can't.

Diana: God Barry you had your future written in the starts already

Barry: my future is not with Iris but with you.

Diana: And you were soo sure about that that made you play a risy game with your own heart just moments ago?

Barry: as i said you were leaving...i panicked.

Diana: You are soo lucky I love you. Otherwise you would be a dead man walking right now

Barry: i know, i love you more then you know.

Diana: I've noticed *says as she falls into his arms and hugs him tight in return*

Barry: *hugs her tightly and close not wanting to ever let her go* I love you...i love you...i love you so so much.

Diana: I love you more. Just please never do that to me again. It was painful to watch

Barry: i promise and swear i wont but you have to promise to be mine and never leave me again.

Diana: I swear I will be yours forever

Barry: Good. *says before smaching his lips on hers kissing her*

Diana of course kisses him back, glad to have him in her arms in one piece

without them knowing Kara, Oliver and Cailtin have been watching all that with smiles on their faces.
Iris smiles sadly at them as her eyes well up with tears, she turns around and quickly slips out of the room allowing her tears to fall and back to were Cailtin was already waiting to hug and comfort the broken hearted Iris.

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