♥♥♥ Barry X Diana Allen ♥♥♥

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If Barry Allen was told yesterday that he would be soo obssessed with someoone who isn't Iris he would have never believed it. But of course as you know everything can take a sudden shift as soon as something major in his life happens such as the arrival of his teenage daughter Diana who was nothing like Iris due to the fact that she was his child due to a relationship that went sought during his senior year. At first however everything were against allowing Diana near Barry since he never told them he even had a girlfriend in high school but as soon as he came back from his latest battle and was now in ciwil clothes Barry forgot about everyone else as soon as he walked in the room where his friends and family had soo much argued with Diana that they had reduced her to tears along with a hand print on her cheek due to Iris not being able to handle her emotions

Barry: *his eyes widen as he zooms over stoping beside Diana and takes her into his arms* What the heck guys! *yells narrowing his eyes at his friends*

Diana: Oh daddy ... I've never been soo hurt in my entire life *says between sods as she hides her face in Barry's neck while her arms snake around his shoulders and hold on to him tightly*

Barry: talk to me sweetie *says as his grip tightens*

Diana: My mother passed away from cancer recntly and I was told to come and find you

Barry: i see, poor thing....well...your more then welcome here. *says keeping his eyes narrowed at his friends*

Diana: I don't want to stay here ... Not if this is how your friends will treat me

Barry: actually, you can live with me away from them.

Diana: Don't you live with that witch *growls as her eyes narrow at Iris*

Barry: i also have a place of my own with place enough for both of us.
Cisco: wait what?
Iris: no you don't.

Joe: He does actually. I helped him move this morning

Caitlin: wait...this morning?
Iris: you can be serious?
Barry: well i am, if Diana dislikes all of you then she can just stay with me. Its as simple as that.

Diana: Not everyone. I hate Iris, Caitlin, Wally and Cisco. Joe, HR and Julian were th only ones who didn't raise their voice at me or dared to touch me

Barry: okay, good to know. Now that were on the topic Joe, HR or Julian can one of you explain to me why the others raised their voice and dared to touch her? *asks his gaze calms as he looks at the three mentioned*

Julian: Because at first I didn't even know that Diana was your daughter, but I should have because I used to date her mother as well .
HR: Iris then got mad since Diana didn't say much, which was understadable. The poor girl isn't used to her reactions then she tried to leave and Caitlin went to stop her but they got in an arguement and since Diana didn't know Caitlin has ice powers she said something she didn't know would affect Caitlin emotionally and Iris slapped her across the face

Barry: so thats it. First of all Cailtin don't ever use your powers against my daughter again no matter what the reason and second Iris how dare you lay a hand on my beloved daughter and lastly let me give you all a clear warning: if anyone of you hurt or upset my daughter again...well lets just say you do not wanna find out. *says sending a warning and death glares at Iris, Caitlin, Wally and Cisco*

Cailtin: Barry I didn't want to use my powers on her. They kicked in on their own in defence and Wally tried to stop Iris but he wasn't fast enough even with super speed

Wally: Its true Barry, you have to believe us.
Barry: *just sighs as he rest his head ontop of Diana's* you don't mind do you sweetie? *asks talking about him leaning his head ontop of hers*

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