Boulevard of Broken Dreams

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February 5th, 1924
8:45 pm

(Y/N) was enjoying her walk with Alastor. Since she rarely goes out in the evening, she found the stroll quite relaxing. The way the light breeze made her dress dance in the wind filled her with glee. Alastor had shown her the perfect place to look up at the enchanting night sky. He had shown (Y/N) so many beautiful things that she prayed the night would never end.

(Y/N) rested her head on Alastor's shoulder. He placed his hand upon her head. "Dear, it seems quite lonely at your shop. Do you have any family nearby to help you with your work?" Alastor rethought his statement. He cleared his throat, "I apologize if I am being a tad intrusive, but I couldn't help but notice the lack of help you have." (Y/N) felt a small tug at her heart. "No, not anymore." She took her head off his shoulder and looked at the ground. "Anymore?" The tall man's curiosity made itself apparent in his flamboyant voice. (Y/N) grinned warily. The recent news fresh in her mind. "Well, I do have a family. They just don't live in this area. I never knew my father. My mother always said that he died when I was only a baby. My sister and I were as thick as thieves. We always did everything together. That was until our mother passed away. My sister wanted us to do horrid things to help us stay on our feet, but I, being 15 at the time, didn't want to do those things. We got into an argument and she moved out 2 months later." A small pool of salty tears began to form in (Y/N)'s eyes. Alastor, ever observant, took notice of her sorrow.

"Did something happen to her?" Alastor wrapped his arm around (Y/N) and pulled her close to him so he could comfort her. "Yes." She said, "Recently I was told that my sister and her husband were both killed in a mugging and, because of this, I've been given custody over her children; I won't be lonely anymore. I can't say that my life will be any easier though." She smiled sadly. Alastor began to gently rub her arm in an attempt to put her at ease. "I am terribly sorry for your loss, and I apologize for making you cry, my dear."

(Y/N) brought her hand to her cheek and wiped away the seemingly ever-flowing tears. Alastor took notice of a bench nearby and lead (Y/N) to the wooden and metal object. After sitting her down, Alastor took off his red coat and draped it over her shoulders. "Oh. It's-it's really not that bad. I have fond memories of her; not wanting to talk about her might imply that I don't like her. I'll speak of her as a way to honor her memory." (Y/N) managed to cease her crying and gave Alastor a bright smile. This brought a small chuckle out of the man. He sighed, "You are the most unique girl I have ever had the pleasure of meeting." A light shade of blush spread across (Y/N)'s face. "I...tha-thank you Alastor." She responded, her smile growing even brighter.

(Y/N) cleared her throat in way of curbing her embarrassment. "What about you? What was your family like if you don't mind me asking?" Alastor quickly fabricated a tale. "They were an interesting bunch to say the least. They raised me to be the man I am today. My mother was a kind woman; she made the greatest jambalaya I've ever tasted! She was a miracle in the kitchen, and even taught me a few tricks. I can't say I'm useless with cooking like most men." He interjected his story with a chuckle before continuing. "My father, on the other hand, was a strict man. He was also reasonable, and gave me some very good life advice. He always said, 'You must deal the cards you're dealt with in life, and what you do with them. You must deal with the consequences, good or bad.'" Alastor paused, and smiled. "My mother also gave me a great piece of advice. 'You're never fully dressed without a smile'! That is why I always have smile on my face."

"Oh they sound like such wonderful people!" (Y/N) said. "Do you stay in contact with them?" Alastor hesitated for a moment. "To an extent, yes. We live very far away from each other and don't have the time to visit often." (Y/N) looked disappointed by this answer. "Oh, well that's a shame, I'd love to meet them sometime."

Alastor chuckled with a hint of unease. He stared ahead. His mind wandered; remembering what he did to his dear ol' mom and oh-so-loving dad.

The young man decided it was best to change the subject. "What kind of music do you like?" (Y/N) tapped her finger against her chin in thought, "I don't really have a preference. I like all kinds. How about you?" He didn't hesitate with his reply. "Well, I must say that the upcoming music genre of jazz has enraptured me." (Y/N) happily chirped in. "Oh yes! Jazz music is quite nice, catchy even."

The two proceed to have a causal conversation switching between multiple topics. Eventually, the evening turns to night and Alastor walks (Y/N) home to ensure her safety from the murderer that lurked the streets. However, much to the young girl's unawareness, the danger was with her the entire night, stalking the streets he proudly owned.

I will thank AuthorsFolly for helping me with writing this chapter and Kirosashi_Mirai11 for giving me the inspiration to write this.

I already have (Y/N)'s demon outfit and I want to make sure you guys are okay with the color of the outfit

Have a Happy New Year!!!

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