When Hell freezes over

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Somewhere in Hell

September 29th, 1931

It had been 3 days since the recent Extermination, Delta and Victoria had advised (Y/n) on what to do during that time. But (Y/n) still couldn't quite grasp the concept that she was in Hell. She looked outside the living room window of the Phoenix Mansion, she wanted to go and see things but she was afraid of what would come after her.

"(Y/n) dear, is something wrong?" (Y/n) turned to face the oldest Phoenix, Delta. "I want to see what's out there, so I could understand the environment better." Delta understood where (Y/n) was coming from, she was in her shoes once before too. "If you want to take a walk around, then you may, but please be back by dark." (Y/n) smiled since she first got to Hell. She walked over to the door and left the mansion. That's when things went downhill, without her even knowing what she was doing, she created a snowstorm that would affect everyone else but her. Her worry on Alastor and the children were taking its toll on her.

After an hour or so, the storm turned into a blizzard and buildings started being covered in ice. (Y/n) didn't notice as a part of her was remembering the wedding vows between her and Alastor. She remembers it like it was yesterday.

(Y/n) and Alastor were standing next to each other before the priest asked if the bride and groom had vows. Alastor said yes and took (Y/n)'s hand in his.

"(Y/n), we have known each other for years, not too long, but in those few years you have taken my heart in a way I thought no one could, nothing brings me more joy than seeing you smile. Together we helped raise two children, though not our own, but they will always be our children at heart. My darling fawn," (Y/n) was smiling and in tears, hearing Alastor's vows to her, "I wish you only the best life you can ever have with me, and any less I will do everything to make it better, I vow to stay with you no matter what happens, and I dearly hope you do as well." He raised his right hand and brushed away the tear running down (Y/n)'s cheek and smiled.

The priest asked if (Y/n) had her vows, and she said yes. She looked at Alastor with love in her eyes.

"Alastor, well, I never expected to be married so suddenly only after knowing you for a handful of years, but I am indeed quite happy it is with you and not someone else. You took my heart as well and you kept it under lock and key, there is not another being in my mind that could ever make me stop loving you and there sure is nothing you can do that will ever make me leave you, no matter what it is. My life does not need to be perfect, for it is already perfect with you, my radio."

The memory of her wedding day brought tears in (Y/n)'s eyes as she smiled. She finally looked to see the devastation she didn't know she had caused. (Y/n) saw a figure headed her way. The storm calms down so she could get a better looks at it. When it got close enough she was able to make out it's features. It was a male.

He wore a white suit, black bowtie, and a red undershirt. He was also wearing a white hat, with a purple snake thing and an apple on the brim. He was carrying an apple topped black cane that matched his hat. His eyes were yellow, with black pupils. He had red cheeks, and his eyelids were purple, making look like eyeshadow.

"So you're the one causing such a ruckus in Hell. Freezing my kingdom over, hm?" He started smiling. It reminded (Y/n) of when Alastor smiled like that. But this guy's smile scared her so badly, that the storm receded but everything was still frozen. "Wha- wh- who are you? Wh- what's going on?!" (Y/n) was getting scared. "Well, miss, I'm King Lucifer Magne, and you just seemed to freeze my kingdom with a blizzard that I have currently stopped."

(Y/n) couldn't believe what she was hearing. "Lu- Lucifer?"

" Yes yes, the one and only. "

"We- well thanks for stopping the blizzard..?"

"Yeah, yeah, now listen up and listen well." He grabbed her face and forced her to look at him. She was scared, tears were running down her cheeks. "That face means you're listening, good. I'm not to happy by the fact you're able to freeze my kingdom to ice, so if it happens again, I will kill you and steal your soul myself!"

"B- but I- I'm a-" she tried to speak but was cut off by Lucifer

"One of my subjects? A Phoenix? I don't give two shits about who you are. Got it?" (Y/n) shakily nods her head. "That doesn't cut it around these parts." His grin turns into something more malicious. "T- then wh- what d-does?" She was afraid to even talk at this point. "A handshake deal." He holds out his hand. "You don't freeze Hell over ever again and you get to live, freeze Hell over, and you die. Deal?" (Y/n) shakily brings her hand up and shakes Lucifer's hand, "D- deal..." Lucifer shakes her hand with an unnatural smile present. "Pleasure doing business with you."

The buildings began to unthaw and Lucifer left.

(Y/n) was shaken up by the deal she just made with Lucifer. She started walking around as she hugs herself looking at the buildings slowly unthawing. After a few minutes passed she was in front of a frozen house as she thought over everything that happened today. A man walked over to her and saw her saddened form. "Miss, are you alright?" (Y/n) was startled by the man at first but then responded. "N- not really..." She looked at the ground trying to avoid the man's gaze. He sat down beside her. "Well, that's no good. This may be Hell but that doesn't mean you should be like this. My name is Jerome, and yours?" A part of (Y/n) felt like she could trust him. "(Y/n)" she sounded so monotoned. Jerome's faced showed that of shock. "And.. do you mind if I ask what your last name is?"

(Y/n) looked at him before looking away again, "Before I was married.. Crevan..." Jerome brought a hand to his face as tears leaked in his eyes. "It can't be..." (Y/n) was confused by what the man had said. "My full name is Jerome Crevan, father of Ruth and (Y/n) Crevan." (Y/n) let go of her knees and looked at Jerome. "Dad?" Jerome looked at her and smiled at her, "Yeah kiddo, it's me." He hugs her and she returns the hug. "Dad!" Jerome pulls away from the hug and wipes his daughter's tears from her face. "Ho- how'd you end up in Hell?" (Y/n) gives him a little laugh, "A funny story, really." She carefully explained to Jerome how she ended up in Hell, Jerome not being able to believe some of them. "I'm just glad your okay baby girl." He placed one of his hands on her cheek and (Y/n) leans into his touch.

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