When you fall asleep in their lap

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You had a long day at work and you were watching a movie with one of them and you fall asleep on their lap.

Masaomi: Y/n? he would poke your nose once and wisper ask if you were a asleep and if you wouldn't respond he would lift your head a little so he could get up to get you a blanket to cover you up with.

Ukyo: He would look at you and smile and leave you alone because he knew that you had a long day and he then would just fall asleep as well forgetting about his papers.

Kaname: He would be the perv he is and kiss your lips and then take a photo of it. But he would grab the blanket that was next to you guys and cover you up.

Hikaru: He would just let you sleep and kiss you forehead and then would get an idea and writes it down for another idea for his book.

Tsubaki: He would give the weirdest cheesy cute smile and would keep reading his script for the new game that he would be in.

Azusa: He would kiss your cheek and let you sleep and turn the tv off so it wouldn't wake you up. 

Natsume: You would be over at his house and be asleep and when he noticed that you were asleep he would get up and pick you up to take you to his bed and he would lay down next to you.

Louis: He would just fall asleep next to you while braiding  your hair.

Subaru: His cheeks would get all red and pet the top of your head but sometimes you move to your side and he thought he woke you up. A couple of times he would kiss your cheeks.

Iori: He always has a flower on hand  and he would stick a daisy in your hair and tuck it behind your ear he always thought you looked beautiful with a flower in your hair or just you folding a flower.

Yyuske: His face would turn as head as his hair and would try and slide out from under you.

Man Yyuske what kind of guy just leaves their girlfriend to sleep on the couch and you were her pillow making her comfortable. ~ Tochi

Fuuto: He would just be a complete and uder asshole and wake you up and have an upset tone and be talking about how he is so famous and all.

Wataru: He would wake up up because you were to heavy and he also want you to play with him.

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