kyran in the bathroom -- be more chill au (@iamrllyweird)

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All credit goes to Ned Vizzini and Joe Tracz.

Anyways, enjoy this bit of angst ;)


* * *

"So get out of my way, loser."
The freckley redhead pushed Kyran out of his way. He was speechless.
Alec was his best friend of 12 years.
They were as close as brothers.
Shocked, Kyran sat down on the bathtub.
Realization had struck.
His best friend left him alone in a bathroom.
Alec left him alone in a bathroom.

"I am hanging in the bathroom at the biggest party of the fall.
I could stay right here or disappear and nobody'd even notice at all."

He was in shock, but beginning to process what just happened. His CREEPS shirt was starting to itch, even though it never did before.

"I'm a creeper in a bathroom 'cuz my buddy kinda left me alone.
But I'd rather fake pee than stand awkwardly or pretend to check a text on my phone."

He looked back at the door that Alec shut behind himself when he left.
Kyran sat down inside the bathtub and hugged his knees.

"Everything felt fine when I was half of a pair..."

Memories crept into every corner of his mind. He wished they'd just go away.

"Now for no fault of mine, there's no other half there!"

Kyran tried to warn him about the SQUIP. Alec didn't listen.
But the SQUIP was turned off when Alec said it.
It was Alec speaking.
Well, drunk Alec, but still Alec.

"Now I'm just... Kyran in the bathroom. Kyran in the bathroom at a party.
Forget how long it's been."

Kyran had lost track of time.
What happened minutes ago seemed like decades away, but he still remembered it clearly.

"Kyran in the bathroom. Kyran in the bathroom at a party. No, you can't come in!"

Every now and then, people would knock, and he'd make up an excuse for why he needed to stay inside.

"I'm waiting it out 'til it's time to leave. I'm picking at growth as I softly grieve!"

He clutched his black jeans, now holding back tears.

"Oh, I'm just Kyran who you don't know, Kyran flying solo, Kyran in the bathroom by himself..."

It was in that moment that he realised he didn't have any other friends. Ever since they met, he depended on Alec and Alec alone.

"All by himself..."

And now he had no one to come to. He thought it'd last.
He was wrong.

"I am hiding but he's out there, just ignoring all our history."

He took out his phone.

"Memories get erased and I'll get replaced with a new or cooler verison of me."

He scrolled through his gallery.
Kyran tried to delete his pictures with Alec, but he just couldn't.
And when he did get the strength to,
he was interrupted by a familiar sound.

"And I hear a drunk girl, sing along to Whitney through the door... 'I WANNA DANCE WITH SOMEBODY'"

He thought he'd laugh, but then he remembered.

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