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December 31, 2019: Year End Concert

"Ya! Where are you taking our Kyungsoo." Baekhyun whined and even pulled Chanyeol with him just to pull my baby away from me. What are these two bum heads thinking? I glared at them and they only blinked at me before pulling him again.

"I never disturbed the two of you when you're being all lovey dovey together. So why are you trying to take my happiness away from me?" I pouted just to make sure Kyungsoo would empathize with me. He He He~ However when Kyungsoo broke away from me that's when I know I'm not going to win against those bum heads.

"Sorry Jongin. I need to talk to Baekhyun for a moment. Will you excuse us please?" I processed what he said and even Chanyeol looked surprised by how his tone suddenly became serious. What are they going to talk about?

"Including me?" Chanyeol stared at them and the two small guys only stared at us before we exited the dressing room.  I sighed as we walked down to a hallway leading to a vending machine we knew.

"Do you know what they're going to talk about?" 'Chanyeol asked out of the blue. I shook my head at him and he sighed. Kyungsoo is always serious but his tone earlier made me think twice. If he's sad then I should be the first person he would go to and tell me what's wrong. I stayed wondering.

"I'm worried he's being secretive about his problems again. Hyung, how do you make Baekhyun talk about his dilemmas?" He huffed and smirked at me. I blushed when I was reminded of the lewd sounds coming from their room. I shouldn't have asked.

"Push him on his knees, make him beg, sometimes choking them with your-"

"Ay ay ay. No, seriously?" I rolled my eyes and he chuckled. This person's mood is like a wavelength, unstable.

"It's just easy Jongin-ah. Ask him directly but before that make sure you corner him in a place literally and mentally. Those small guys has a habit of running away from us without telling what's wrong." Chanyeol smiled and punched lightly my shoulder. Corner him? But where though? Just as we took a turn I fished out my phone to check my Instagram but Chanyeol's arm stopped me from proceeding.

"Are you even sure its gonna work-" I clamped my mouth shut as Chanyeol and I were stoned on our feet, our eyes couldn't believe what we're seeing.

"Luhan-hyung?" I breathed and Chanyeol signaled us to walk back while avoiding disturbing Sehun and Luhan from reunion. I'm delighted to see him again more importantly, seeing the two of them together. I know how Sehun has been yearning to see him.

"How come he didn't tell us beforehand that he's coming?" I asked Chanyeol who was pouting.

"Maybe he doesn't have any intention to see us all." That made us go back to the dressing room with sad smiles painted on our faces. Good thing when we came back Baekhyun just got out of the room and immediately taken away by Chanyeol. I sighed in relief because I'd be able to talk to him privately.



"Can we talk somewhere else? I need to breathe."

So we went outside of the fire exit and we both leaned on the wall not sure of what to talk about until I decided to break the silence.

"When are you going back to your post?" I asked and searched for his cold freezing fingers to warm them up with mine. I smiled when he giggled and I fixed his beanie. It's very quiet that I nearly forgot what our jobs are for a second. I pecked his luscious lips and the corner of his lips turned upwards.

"The day after tomorrow. Why'd ask?" Kyungsoo said and I noticed he's getting cold. I wonder if his jacket was too thin? I went and embraced him letting him rest his back on the wall as I let our bodies and thick clothes warm us up.

"Want to celebrate to my place later? I think I still got some spaghetti ingredients inside my fridge. Your favorite." I suggested and he only nodded but the smile he plastered on his face was forced that I got nervous for a moment.

"Did I do something wrong?" I asked quickly. The question I always asked him and typically he would always say no or none but this time his eyes were telling me its different. My hands trembled and he felt it as he squeezed it and a the twinkle in his eyes disappeared.

"It's the time of the year, like last year right?"

I froze and I don't know why our eyes were tearing up as we breathe to each other. I chuckled trying to lighten up the mood but I failed.

Oh no.

"Kyung..." A tear fell from his eye and that's when I felt how terrible I am as a person and as his lover. He lift a finger on my lips stopping me from saying anything. I could only hold his face and wipe his tears yet I couldn't afford to wipe them all.

"I'm sorry but I couldn't stop myself from remembering how you kissed Jennie in front of me." As he said that, he broke down against my chest and buried his cries inside my jacket. His cries were punching my heart as his tears were killing me softly. He has been honest to me, how he fell for me and I'm the first guy he only said yes to. That's why I understand how it must have been hurting him even months have already past. I feel horrible breaking this guy's heart with memories I could never ever undo.

"Kyung, I'm sorry I can't do much to make you forget that day. Please if you're tired from hearing me say sorry then can you please stop crying?" I don't care about my tears, I care about his and somehow when he nodded against my chest, while he snaked his arms around my waist inside my jacket, I got hope that we would be okay soon. That he would forget the day I kissed Jennie in front of him just to make him leave.

Because that time, I didn't want him to get involved with that woman and that controversy.

I could only hope.

a/n: don't forget to leave your thoughts and vote!

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