[P.1] How you meet

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You guys meet at one of his photo shoots. You are the daughter of Adrien's personal photographer. You wanted to follow your father's footsteps and become a famous photographer, you were semi famous on social media, but not entirely. One day your dad took you to take some pictures at the park while he was taking some pictures of one of his clients, which happened to be Adrien Agreste. While he was on a little break you decided to talk to him and ask him if you can take some pictures of him. After you did you showed him, and he said that they were great and that you would be a great photographer one day. That really made your day, you guys exchanged numbers and found out he was going to your school next week. After that you guys texted almost all the time.


You guys meet at a Jagged Stone concert. You went to a Jagged Stone concert with one of your friends who ditched you for some random guy, so you were by yourself. You were close to the stage and having a nice time when a couple random guys come up to you and started flirting with you. You kindly told them that you weren't interested, but they didn't care and got closer to you. You heard someone yell at them catching some of the security's attention and the guys run off. He comes up to you and introduces himself and you two hit it off. You bought him a guitar pic for helping you out. After the concert you found your friend again and left. The week after, it was the first week of school when you got to your class and see him there, you sat next to him and you guys started talking after class, you guys exchanged numbers and texted all day long.


You met at her bakery. You guys meet because your dad loved the Dupain-Cheng's macrons. He would always order a little box of macaroons almost everyday, so you would see her a lot, she didn't really like you at first because you where Chloe's sister but after a while, you guys got to know each other and started hanging out. You would model for her and give her inspiration for some clothing ideas.


You meet at one of ladybugs and chat noirs fights. They were fighting another villain and you were taking pictures about the fight and trying to get pictures of the villain, which was kind of hard. While you were taking pictures, some girl tripped on you because you where crouching down. You guys looked at each other and then got up and stared running the same way, but the fight was over and ladybug devilized the akuma and you got a great shot of when she got the akuma. You guys apologized to each other and then fangirled about ladybug and chat noir. After you guys exchanged numbers you guys hung out and meet up every time there was an akuma attack.


Hey people I hope you liked it! If you want me to do other characters just comment

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