[P.4] Confession/ Asking you out

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Y/n pov

I was siting on the couch watching TV when I got a text from Adrien telling me to meet him at the park. I texted back saying I'll be there in 5.

Time skip to when you're at the park

When i got there i saw him sitting in the bench where we usually hang out at. I walked up to him saying 'Hi' and i sat down next to him. He looked a a bit flustered and he grabbed your hands.

"Y/n i really like you. You're such an amazing girl and you're so lovely. You make my heart race every time i see you laugh or smile. What I'm saying is will you be my girlfriend?" he asked with a pint tint on his face.

"I would love to" you said excitedly hugging him in the process.


I was laying in bed when i got a call from Luka.


luka: Hey y/n can you come over

you: Yeah totally i got nothing better to do

Luka: okay great

you: kay ill see you in 10

Call end

Time skip to when your at his boathouse

I walked onto the boathouse and saw our class there and Marinette came up to me and hugged me so did the rest of the class. They made me sit down right in front of the little stage that they had. After Nino went behind the curtain that was covering the stage music stated playing. The curtain dropped and there was kitty section and Luka in the middle singing. After he sang the song he spoke into the mic and said with a smile on his face "Y/n will you be my girlfriend?" Everyone was looking at you and you looked back at luka.

"Yes!" you said with a big smile on my face. After you said that everyone was screaming and luka jumped down from the stage and hugged you tight. For the rest of the day all of you guys hung out singing, dancing and watching movies.


I was going over to Marinette's house to watch movies. When i got there her mom let me in and told me that she was in her room an that i could just go up. I thanked he and went up but when i opened a bit i heard her talking to herself.

Marinette's P.o.v.

"What am i going to do Tikki! I really like her and I've never acted like this before!" I said pacing around my room.

"Just tell her how you feel Marinette" Tikki said flying near her.

"What am i supposed to say 'Hey y/n i really like would you like to be my girlfriend' I don't think that that would be a good idea i can't even talk right when I'm near her anymore!" I said flopping onto my sofa hugging a pillow.

"Hey Mari" someone said i got up quickly looking at who it was.

Y/n P.o.v.

"Hey Mari" I said poking my head out from the little trap door. She got up still holding her pillow will looking at me with a pink tint on her face.

"H-Hey Y-y/n" she said looking away embarrassed.

"Did you mean it?" i looked at her hopeful.

"Yeah" she sounded sad she still didn't look at me so i walked up to her and lift her face up.

"Hey I like you too." I said smiling she smiled back and hugged my waist. I hugged her back and we stay like that for a bit.

"So are we dating now?" She asked looking up at me.

"Yeah we are." I said smiling after that little scene we watched movies on her bed and cuddled.


I was in Alya's room she told me to come over because she had something Important to tell me. I waited in her room when she came in and sat next to me on the bed.

"Okay y/n I need to tell you something and I don't know how your going to react. It's fine if you don't want to be my friend after I get it-" she was saying but I interrupted her.

"What do you mean I love being your friend nothing can change that" I said placing my hand on hers.

"The thing is... I like you, I've liked you for a while and it's okay if you don't return those feeling i get it I just need it to get off my chest." She she said and look at me for a response.

"I like you too" I said looking at her with a smile on my face and she smiled back.  "So are we dating?" I asked.

"Give me a sec" she said getting up and standing in front of me. "Will you y/n like to be my girlfriend?" She said  knelling down.

"Yes I would" I laughed she got up and jumped on the bed.

"Okay so another important thing! I got new ladybug footage!" She said excitedly.

"I wanna see!" I exclaimed doing grabby hands.


Posting 4 chapters published in one day I hope you like it!! 

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