[P.2] Hanging Out

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You guys hung out at school or at his photoshoots. It was very rare when you can go to his house to hangout because of his dad and his tight schedule. At school you guys would hang out at lunch with your other friends or go and eat somewhere. At his photoshoot's, you guys would talk and joke around or do little goofy photoshoots when he was on his little breaks. When you can go to his house, it's only for an hour or so, to help you with homework, but you guys still have fun doing more photoshoots and playing video games.


You guys would hang out at his house most of the time because you like his house more. You guys would play video games and do little concerts in his room or on top deck, sometimes with Juleka. When you guys do go to your house you watch movies or stay in your room talking and jamming out to Jagged Stone.


You guys usually don't usually hangout at your house but when you guys do you guys run around your room jamming, out dressing up, all that, having a lot of fun until Chloe comes in and tell you to shut up. When you're at her house you take a lot of pictures together eating a lot of macarons, watching movies on her laptop. It's really chill and you model for her when you're there.


When she comes over you guys try to figure out who ladybug is listening to music and fangirling about ladybug. When you go to her house you watch movies and play with her sisters a bit and watch clips of ladybug fangirling.

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