Chapter 1-Meeting Albus

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Disclaimer: I do not own any of the Harry Potter characters in this fanfiction, J.K Rowling does. Also, I know that McGonagall would be retired by the time Scorpius and Albus were at Hogwarts, but I couldn't find out who the headmaster was, so I decided to use her.


"Slytherin!" the Sorting Hat shouted. 

Scorpius Malfoy was greeted by ecstatic cheers from the Slytherin table. A grin on his face, he went rushing over and sat down. People with green ties slapped him on the back, and a few girls batted their eyes at him and started speaking in syrupy voices. 

The rest of the M's, N's, and O's, then part of the P's went by before a name caught Scorpius' attention and he looked at the dark haired, green eyed boy sitting on the stool. 

"Albus Potter!"

Whispers flitted through the crowd like hummingbirds as everyone stared at the boy who had the dingy old hat on his head. 

"That's the Potter boy!"

"Why do they even need to put that hat on his head?"

"Yeah, everyone knows he's going to be Gryffindor."

But all of the Great Hall still held their breath until the Sorting Hat shouted out, "Slytherin!"

There was a collective gasp as the dark haired boy made his way over to the Slytherin table. His face was red and sad. No one had expected a Potter to be in Slytherin!

The closest empty seat was next to Scorpius. Albus dropped into it without a second thought. Scorpius suddenly felt bad for Albus. Everyone was going to be whispering about him the next day. 

But even the unfortunate Potter boy couldn't ruin Scorpius' first feast. He ate well and then moved comfortably along in the flood of Slytherin students to the dungeon. Then he found out there wasn't enough room in all the pre-built dormitories for two boys.

"Oi, Potter," he said turning to the boy behind him. "Looks like we're in the same pickle here."

"Yeah," Albus said quietly, staring at his hands. "Looks like we are."

"Boys," Professor McGonagall said, coming up behind them, "we were two extra boys for Slytherin this year, so there is a new dormitory built with two beds. It's this way. Come." 

She beckoned the two boys to follow her, and they did, across the common room and into a smaller room than any of the other dormitories with two beds. 

"Good night," Professor McGonagall said stiffly, shutting the door behind them. 

Their trunks had already been delivered. Albus lay prostrate on his bed, his face buried in his pillow. That feeling of pity came rushing back to Scorpius.


Albus looked up.

"Don't be gloomy," Scorpius said, grinning. "I have a feeling somehow we're going to be friends." 

Albus gave a smile. "Thanks."

The boys started talking to each other. They found out a good many things that night, and by the time the Head Boy poked his head in crossly to reprimand them for not being asleep, they were best friends.

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