Chapter 5-Forever

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Disclaimer: I do not own any of the Harry Potter characters in this fanfiction, J.K Rowling does.

"Rose," Scorpius said, "you're a smart, pretty, brave girl. But when you kissed me last night, you made me realize I'm gay."

"Nuna, you owe me ten Galleons," Rose called to a girl in Gryffindor. When she turned back to Scorpius and Albus, she said, "I knew it! Don't you think that's what I was trying to do?"

Scorpius gave a smile, and the two boys and girl were very good friends from then on.

Scorpius and Albus dated until the end of their seventh year, when Scorpius proposed and Albus said yes. They got married shortly after, and advocated for gay rights in the Muggle world. They became famous advocates, and were very rich and famous in the Muggle world.

All thanks to one red-haired, freckled girl who kissed a guy and made him realize he was gay.


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