Chapter 3-The Date

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Disclaimer: I do not own any of the Harry Potter characters in this fanfiction, J.K Rowling does. I apologize for the picture. It isn't what I envision Scorpius and Rose like, but it was the best one I could find. Also, this chapter is short's just how the story flows!

Scorpius and Albus worked together for a few hours. They talked more than they studied. Mostly about the fact that Albus had recently figured out he was gay.

"It's different, definitely," Albus said. "For so long I thought I liked girls, and then, you know, it was sort of like 'woah! I'm gay!'"

"Speaking of liking girls," Scorpius said, "Rose and I finally got a date!"

"Whaaat?" Albus said, shaking his friend by the shoulders. "That's awesome! Dude, you've liked her for...forever!"

Scorpius blushed. "I know!"


Scorpius had suggested that he and Rose meet out in the courtyard. Rose agreed, and that night they brought their wands for light and met each other out there. 

They talked for a while, and suddenly Rose said, "Funny how we never knew each other before but I always wanted to kiss you for some weird reason."

"What-" Scorpius barely got the word out before Rose grabbed his tie, looked into his eyes, and kissed him.

It was barely a peck, but it left Scorpius dizzy again. "Whoa," he breathed. 

After Rose gave him a smile and left, Scorpius realized that the kiss had made him dizzy for the wrong reason.

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