so screwed

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" so dear little Nataline wanna tell me how you got in here" a voice said seductivly

" hmmm lets see your brother let me in Shin" the blonde girl replied " Hmm remind me to thank him" swinging halo onto his lapp as he sat down.

" Die is so going to kill you if you bring me back with you agian"

Nataline giggled                               " hmm he'll live with it ," he chuckled licking Nataline's neck nipping it

" i still find it werid you like my dad's band. he said burying his face in her hair. " hmm and i find it werid that your getting it  with someone's whos 15 and your 23.

" hmph i never heard you complain that hurts mabye i should cut off your drinks" he lightky threatened " now you wouldn't do that now  i might not let you in" she purred into his ear nipping it " If you didnt know how to get to me i'd find another chick" he said grabbing Nataline tight jeans tugging them

" You wish pretty boy but Ai threating to send me to another foster home if im not back by 7 tonight" halo sadi sadly starting to get up. " God that bitch needs a life i dont know why you cant just find your father i'd gladly help you" he stated " like i said i want you to  but i have no idea where to start."

40 min later

a black mustag pulled up to an avergage looking house " hmph you better call me " shin said pulling Halo onto his seat sliding off her shirt starting to her pants next , when a house light came on a petite 20ish lokking woman popped out " NATALINE HOUSE NOW AND YOU YOUNG MAN I TOLD YOU YOU WERNT WELCOME HERE LETS GO HALO." the woman shouted

" God this bitch is depriving me off my basic needs i dont give a shit starting tomorrow you live with me" shin slurred " Fine with me " Natline sighed giving him a long kiss earning a pleasure moan in reponse when she rubbed his chest

" Nataline NOW" he womman shouted

" ugh coming " Halo replied pulling on her shirt stepping out off the car stumbling walking to the woman " your almost drunk what were you thinking are you . you need stop doing this" the woman said trying not to yell as the car pulled drive way "and having sex with him god halo he near my age,. the woman replied

" so hes great at it not like i care what age he is " halo snapped

"Nataline how many times have you had sex with this guy its agianst the law your still a minor and i worry" the woman replied " 9 to aswer your question and besides screw the law ' Nataline retorted back. " Nataline please inside" the woman shouted

" ha ha whatever lady you could even get it  someone like that your to stern and old your just mad cuase i can gett it with someone older and near you age and you cant" Nataline said smirking

"  That it your gone stay here for tonight but your going somewher diffent in the moring once i call social services i'm done with you.' Ai shrieked

2 hr later

 a black car pulled to the curb and halo scurried inside.

 after 40 min of driving and 10 minutes to get to his room.

Shin tossed Nataline on his bed and proceed to take off her shirt " now where were we" SHin asked seductivly " ill show you " Nataline replied straddling him taking of his shirt and proceeding to decloth him with kisses in between. " now i remember " shin sighed happily sinking himself into her Nataline let out a small moan " shhh quiet there angel my dad will be home shortly".

time: aroud 12:30 am

Nataline looked at Shin who was fast asleep with his arm around her waist.

she sighed whispering " You'll protect me right Shin" " You won't be like the others who just tossed me when they were bored right?" " Please dont be like the people who send me away saying i'm to much" she curled herself into his chest knowing she'd never get an anwser just happy that his arm got tighter around her.

" Just please don't let become like my absusive druggie mother" she thought falling into a fitful slumber. 

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