New family

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* school*

Nataline walked  through the building, Late as usual taking her time strolling into her class.

" Ahh ms. Mizumi how nice of you to join us take a seat now" the teacher dictated.  Halo responed by ploping her self down beside her friend.

" So missy enjoy last night I'm sure Shin did?" questioned a boy " Eh kinda of I'm getting bored of him"  Nataline whispered back. "     " So my little sult what are we doing after school?" asked the boy.                       " No cule we could scout around Zigns again and see if we get lucky ehough to fing a free drummer who wants to join us" Nataline eplied.

" RIN, NATALINE pay attention unless you wish to have detension" snappedd their teacher " . " Yes sir sorry sir." both of the students.

* end of school day* ( since i'm lazy)

" Ready to go  shortie" Rin  asked linking his arm with Halo's. " You bet Mr. player" Nataline  said skipping outside of the building dragging Rin with her.

" What the hell is Loveliee doing with thta werid social worker of yours" Rin asked    "  Fuck that bitch was seirous about kicking me out" Nataline  whined. " well you certainly are a handful but you still haven't answered my question" Rin retorted " I dont know lets find out" Nataline  replied strolling towards the two people having a coversation.

" Hey Lilie long time no see what are you doing here" Nataline asked leaning against the car  looking for rin who seemed to have stayed behind.   " I believe you know perfectly well what i'm doing here fixing your mess Nataline , Your lucky i was able to find a family on such short noctice" Lilie answered. " No your joking right please tell me your joking i dont want to stay with little miss perfect" Halo snapped. " Hey I dont want you in my house ethier Gaijin" loveliee replied. " Gaijin maybe you should look at my last name princess " Nataline retorted " and maybe you should look at your hair, and skin color"Lovelie repied smiling twirling one of Nataline white blonde locks in her fingers " girls please try to get along it is what it is Halo" replied Lilie. Halo grunted.

" So this is the troublemaker Lilie" a mans voice called as he walked over to the girls " hey Miyavi yes this would be Halo" Lilie replied. " Well then i'd love to stay and chat but Mels is waiting lets go girls" Miyavi.

*Nataline truged  to the car behind Loveliee *

 Hey now don't look so sad i promise ya you'll fit right in Mels even set up a room for you" " Me You Loveliee can decorate it this weekened k" Miyavi asked the girl " Stop  acting like your my dad now you can't won't and never will be my father." Nataline snapped with the note of a tremble in her voice. "Thats rude" Loveliee snapped at Nataline " Loveliee stop hey i didn't mean to come on like that" Miyavi tried to comfort Nataline  " Its fine i'm sorry lets just go okay" Nataline said queitly.

 4hr lars later

its had been a long day after dinner was finished Nataline walked up to her now attic room turn on the computer to begin some more reseach.

sigihing the girl waited for a reply to the email she had sent minutes later a reply came opening the messge she began to read.

 I will try and help you find your father but i woul need the picture of him that you have. Don't worry about the money i do this for free for you honey.

* halo looked down at the old worn picture of her dad a blonde haired japanesse man.

*about 45 minutes later halo had fallen alseep at the computer^

* meanwhile down stairs*

 mels: alright bedtime love jewels

loveliee: but Nataline still proably up . she compplained

 mels: not for long we told her the rules miya can u check o her whe i put Jewels to bed

 miyavi: sure thin dear

* starts to head up the stairs

 making it to the top he open tohe door to the attic only to find halo fast alseep on the keyboard. walking towards her quietly not to wake her up, scutingher chair back he picked picked up her small fram of a body *thinking she's alot lighter than she look* . He then proceed to put her to bedtucking her in. after finshing that small task he went to the computer to shut it dow  but not before reading  some of the letter on the screen. 8 she must really want to find her dad if she's going through this much trouble maybe she's not as bad as loveliee makes her out to bebut this letter says something about sending a picture of her dad to this lady i dont see one around* * glanceing arounf the room again he spotted the picture laying on the floor picking it up he studied it *

" how's this possible this looks like akira?Reita kun" he thought aloud " but Reita said Luce lost the baby or at least thats what she told him before they broke up "

* how odd well this should be an intresting turn in events* he thought walking back down stair headed toward his and Mels bedroom.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28, 2013 ⏰

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