Part Fourteen

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Cora chewed on her fingernail and watched the closed study door. Harry and her father had disappeared in there what now felt like seven years ago. "What do you think they are talking about for so long?" she asked her mother.

Rachel Hampton smiled but didn't look up from her needlework. "You're his only daughter. He wants to ensure that Harry will treat you right."

Cora rolled her eyes. "You've known Harry almost his entire life. He's not some fly-by-night huckster or drunken swell."

"Yes, but he hasn't shown much initiative, has he?"

"What does that mean?" She assumed they were quibbling over the marriage settlement, not the marriage itself. Did her parents disapprove?

Her mother sighed and met Cora's gaze. "It means he almost let you get away. You two have been dancing around each other for a long time. So, is he willing to fight for you? Will he love you as you deserve?"

Cora could feel her skin heating. "He thought I was in love with someone else. And, this isn't medieval England, where he must fight on a field of honor to prove his love."

"Cora, you're fretting over nothing. Your father won't turn him down. If you love Harry, then you shall marry him."

"I'll elope if I must," Cora warned. "He's already ruined me."

Her mother didn't bat an eye at the news. "Yes, I assumed he had, considering what time you came in this morning with a love bite on your neck."

Cora couldn't smother a tiny grin. She and Harry had stayed awake, naked in his bed, until quite late the previous night. For all his insecurities about his skills, Harry had proven a quick learner. He was inventive and receptive. Caring and affectionate. And she didn't doubt his feelings for an instant.

Her gaze drifted back to the study door. So, what was taking so long in there?

"Did you . . . " Her mother cleared her throat. "Did you have any questions for me?"

Cora frowned. "Questions? About what?"

"You know. That." Her mother raised her brows meaningfully. "I realize we've never discussed it, but I am available to clear up any misconceptions or questions you might have."

"Isn't it a little late? I just told you he ruined me."

"There's more to an intimate relationship than intercourse," her mother whispered. "There's the conception and mutual satisfaction to consider, to name two things."

Mutual satisfaction? Cora covered her face with her hands, praying the floor would open up and swallow her whole. "Mother . . . "

"Would you rather remain ignorant? Women must share this information amongst ourselves or else we'll only learn from men. Harry is a smart man but he doesn't know a fraction of what I know."

True. That made sense. "All right, but not right now. Later."

Her mother picked up her needlepoint. "Any time, dear. Any time."

The door opened and Cora shot to her feet. Harry appeared first, his eyes slightly dazed, expression slack. Her father came next, a wide grin on his face. Her brows lowered in concern. What had happened in there? Why didn't Harry look happier?

Her father slapped Harry on the back. "It's all settled. We'll give you two a few minutes alone, then we'll share lunch." He winked at Cora on his way to her mother's chair. "Come, Rachel."

Her parents disappeared and Cora grabbed Harry's arm. "What happened? You were in there for ages. What did he say? Are we getting married?"

Harry exhaled and ran his free hand through his hair. "That was the most nerve-wracking thing I have ever done. Why did you tell them that I'd ruined you?"

"It wasn't hard to figure out. My parents aren't stupid. Even if I hadn't come home at a ridiculous hour, you left a mark on my neck."

He winced. "I hadn't planned to do that. It just happened."

Curiosity was killing her. She dragged him to the sofa and they sat. "Tell me what my father said."

"There were a lot of questions. About my family, my work, you, us . . . I hardly know where to start."

"Well, what did you tell him?"

"I don't remember. I cannot recall ever being that nervous before. Undoubtedly I babbled like a loon and now he is regretting permitting the marriage."

"My father likes you. He always has."

"Really?" He shook his head. "I wouldn't have guessed, based on the interrogation I just experienced in there."

"He said everything was settled?"

"Yes." Harry blew out a breath and reached for her hand. "We are getting married in a month."

"A month?" Cora bit her lip. Based on the ruination, she'd expected a faster ceremony. Weren't her parents eager to prevent a scandal? "I can't last that long."

"Of course you can. We are not eloping as your cousin Lily did. There is nothing untoward about our joining and I want the whole city to see us married. You deserve nothing less."

Casting a quick glance at the open door, she made certain they were alone before leaning in and pressing a quick kiss to his mouth. "That is very sweet, but I really don't need a big wedding."

"No one needs a big wedding but it's a celebration—of us, our families, of marriage in general. I am so proud to become your husband and I want everyone to know it."

Her heart turned over in her chest. How was this kind, thoughtful man hers? "I love you and I am proud to become your wife. Let's show the entire city how happy we are."

The side of his mouth hitched, his eyes shining with happiness and emotion. "What happens if your father walks in and I am kissing you?"

She moved closer. "We're already getting married. What could he possibly do to us?"

"Exactly." He lowered his head and slid a hand under her chin to hold her in place before sealing his mouth to hers. Their lips fit perfectly, naturally, the motion so effortless and right after all this time, and the contact sent a shock of pleasure jolting through her, as if she hadn't kissed him just hours ago. Even the places sore from last night's activities woke up to take notice.

His tongue slipped past her lips to twine with hers, their breath mingling. Slick heat filled her mouth and warmth slid through her veins. Everything felt right with Harry, every movement communicating a certainty that they belonged together. He was her best friend and now her lover—and soon to be her husband.

Growing up, she'd felt like an outsider, never fitting in with the other society girls. She'd struggled to find her place, except with Harry, who'd accepted her from the very beginning. Accepted her and supported her, even when he thought she loved someone else.

She pulled back to see his face. "Were you really planning to watch me marry John Drexel?"

"I wasn't planning on attending the wedding if that's what you're asking." He pressed his forehead to hers. "But I've only ever wanted you to be happy, Cora. You are the most important person in the world to me and I want you to have anything and everything you desire. Even if that means another man."

"I was such a fool," she whispered. "I thought I would find acceptance if a man like Drexel wanted me. Little did I realize that I had acceptance the whole time, right here. You're my everything, Harry Belmont."

He kissed her again, long and sweet. "How will I survive the month before I can have you naked again when you say things like that?"

"Oh, we are absolutely not waiting until after the wedding to repeat last night. I expected you to sneak into my bedroom this evening."

"I cannot do that. What if your parents catch us?"

"And? If they do, they'll just force us to get married sooner."

Harry chuckled. "You are becoming a terrible influence on me." He moved his hand to her thigh and inched higher. "And I hope you never stop."

The Knickerbocker Bride: A Gilded Age RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now