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"Anxiety is the dizziness of freedom."

― Søren Kierkegaard , The Concept of Anxiety: A Simple Psychologically Orienting Deliberation on the Dogmatic Issue of Hereditary Sin

Randeep's pov

Sometimes I hate I am right. After dinner we are sitting for drinks while girls are gossiping away, "so how did you two meet?" Rohit asked me as I handed his drink

"our parents setup a lunch" he raised an eyebrow in question

"you mean like arranged?"

"yes" I furrowed my eyebrows, I didn't say Latin.

"wow" he muttered

"how long have you known Ayesha?"

"well, we met in freshman year, now its been four years, love marriage" he was so proud, I want to break that teeth he showed off smiling. "actually Ashi was the one to set us up"

"she was? How was she back then?" I mean what can I say, 'I'm not interested to know'

"yes, in fact if not for her Ayesha would not even look at me. Although it was surprising, I mean Ashi was the quiet one, and never ever argued" now all she does is that "yet she had an attitude that said 'fuck off', she was the scared new girl in the class type" well that never changed "while Ayesha was like this firecracker, she was looking ethereal the day I saw her in her golden suit" wait suit, I'm sure he is not from India where exactly did they meet?

"where did you two meet?"

"community fest, these two were the new faces I was told to attend to by dad, I was the secretary so but when I saw her man I froze, she was looking annoyed" he chuckled, I'm sure remembering her face then

"and Ashi?" I found myself asking before I could stop

"well I could not exactly place her emotion" he said with small smile

"oh" was all I answered, why the fuck am I bothered? I mean I should not bother but Ashi has always been the enigma of the industry, men have tried and failed to tame her. Plus she has been good to me without throwing herself at me which I respect her for. I guess she is the girl I respect the most and that was why I was feeling bad to drag her in my life in this drama. I don't know why but she is always there in every function, at least the ones I attend and I only attend the unavoidable and charity ones. I was out of my trance by snap of fingers, I looked at Rohit who was now grinning ear to ear.

"wondering about your wife?"


"please, I can see it, so what were you thinking?" why is he interested in my wife, I glared at him and he raised his hands in defense "just asking, I mean we husbands can share right?"




"fine then I will assume they weren't some holy thoughts" he said and I glared at him again

"they were"

"prove it"

"I don't need to, not to you atleast"

"why? don't trust your friend here" friend? The word so foreign to me, my surprised look gave that away already. "what happened? Didn't meet friends lately?"

"no" I lied, I haven't seen them in years

"well life must be quiet lonely then, how about we party?"

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