The Witcher: Need for Help

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A/N: Hello my dear readers!

So I've watched the TV show 'The Witcher' with Henry Cavill and I loved it! here is a little one-shot where the reader needs the help of Geralt to get rid of Wyverns.

I played the video games ages ago, and it was in French so I am not completely updated with the Witcher's vocabulary. 

Hope you'll like it though.


A small breeze breathed onto your neck, caressing your skin like a fluffy blanket as you stayed motionless and hidden in the woods. You were observing the Witcher, trying to learn things from him but as the rumours said, he was an emotionless man.... except in the depth of the night, the moon shining brightly into the dead hours of the night.

Leaning forward from your spot to see more of Geralt of Riv, your move broke the silence of the forest, shattering the veil of observation you had worked so hard for. The time you realised what had happened, a sharp sword tickled your throat with its sharpy end, almost teasing you.

' And who might you be, woman, hiding in the woods, unprotected ?'

You raised an eyebrow at the man, glimpsing the amberish colour of his feline eyes. Fast as a flash, your hand grabbed the blade of the sword, the sharpness opening your skin while you bolted forward, kicking his legs under him before he had the time to react.

' Who said I needed protection ?'you asked, standing up and pointing your sword at him, your bloody other hand falling at your side drops of the crimson liquid dirtying the leaves.

He acknowledged you for several seconds, eyeing your attire as well as your body, which earned you the chance to do the same. The famous silver hair falling in front of his sharp cheekbones, the way his clothes curves his body so tightly, the leather tracing the frame of his muscles, which left nothing to the imagination. The iron necklace hanging loosely against his neck, the shape of the wolf sparkling with the light of the moon.

You took your time to watch him, the famous slayer of monsters laying in front of you, stoicism featuring his face, which made you tilt your head to the side.

Out of sudden, something pushed into your hip, making you spin around to face Roach, the Witcher's horse. The animal kept nudging at you, silently demanding the treat snuffed into your pocket.

Geralt took the opportunity to disarm you with his weapon and directed his sword at you, threatening you darkly. His eyes shone brightly in the dark, the flames of the fireplace dancing in his fiery eyes.

'' You are not afraid of me. Why? And Roach seems to like you, which is odd.''

Ignoring the sword pointed at you, you reached your right pocket and retrieved one of the sugar cubes, you used to keep in case you were hungry on the road. Putting the treat into your hand, you handed it to the horse who happily ate it, before coming closer again. Under the bewildered eyes of the Witcher, who of course, didn't let any emotion cross his face, he watched you stroke his horse, your fingers, scratching at the horse's mane to its head.

" I saw worse people than you, Witcher. And for your horse, he smelt the sugar cubes I carry and I'm good with animals. Now, lower your sword, I am not your enemy."

He observed you for a few seconds, eyeing your tangling fingers and the horse who seemed to be surprisingly fond of you. He lowered his sword.

" You are familiar with my name, yet I am not with yours", he stated, sheathing his sword and coming to the other side of the horse.

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