M.I.A[Coming Soon]

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Copyrighted © 2012 Niyah Jennings. All Rights Reserved.

M.I.A (ᗰ.Ꭵ.ᗩ)

All Rights Reserved. All my stories, including chapters, prologues, epilogues and all associated content in copyrighted under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988. All rights are reserved by the owner and creator of these works. Any unauthorised copying, broadcasting, manipulation, distribution or selling of these works constitutes as an infrigement of copyright and it punishable by law.

*M.I.A (ᗰ.Ꭵ.ᗩ) does not have an editor, so there will be spelling and/or grammar mistakes. Please live with it...I'm only human.


Mia is not your average Royal.

She has a mind of her own. She is her own. Mia knows what she wants; and will go through hell and back to get it.

In fact, to Bryce, she's Miss Independent.

King Lucian and Queen Renee disagree with her ways; along with the entire population of Mare- or so it seems.

But she knows too much. Far too much for comfort of any sort, to anyone who understands the danger of her level of knowledge.

So when Mare breaks into war with Empsiea-

Mia is ᗰ.Ꭵ.ᗩ (M.I.A)

M.I.A(ᗰ.Ꭵ.ᗩ)Where stories live. Discover now