Chapter 2

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I am very pleased with the results from Chapter 1 so far! Thanks so much to my readers(: SO, to all my readers, this Chappy is dedicated to you, for taking the time to read this story and make me smile :D I was hoping that if I get enough reads, I'll have a Cover Contest!....original, right? Anyway, carry on reading (:


•(Name Unknown to the Readers) POV•

I hid while Princess Mia, Prince Bryce, and Princess Olivia stood at the stables, watching a mare give birth.

Her long brown hair flowed down to her slim waist. The contrast of the colors glistened in the sunlight. The light brown, dark brown- all mixed, creating the perfect shade. Her sun-kissed complexion was all real. No tanning necessary. Everything about her was natural: Her eye color, eye-lashes- she wasn't artificial in the slightest.

Prince Bryce was giving Princess Olivia a piggyback ride, so she could view the scene. Mia stood leaning over with her hands steadying her on the rail. The look on her face was pure wonder. Her blue-grey eyes wide, mouth agape. Even in the slight trance the horses had her in, she still looked beautiful. From the first day that I saw her- beautiful.

The mare whinnied no more, signaling that the birthing was finished. Mia rushed over and knelt by her side. It had been a stunning mare, indeed. But, as for her foal- stunning was an understatement. The large pure white foal laid next to his dam in all of his beauty. Muscular, strong. He was going to be big for the ones with affluence. The wealthy, who in return for being born into their money, had the opportunity to watch the horse races.

Hatred is what I feel for them- with the exception of Princess Mia, for no one could ever hate her. So full of love, compassion, just the correct amount of rebellion. It drew me to her, and for what we were, I knew she had to have been drawn to me as well.

"Lightning," she whispered to no one in particular.

"Huh?" Prince Bryce replied.

"Lightning," she answered softly. "His name is Lightning." With that said, she turned swiftly on her heels after hearing her name being called back inside her castle, and walked off with Prince Bryce and Princess Olivia following not too far behind.

My Mia walking away from me, I thought,



•Mia's POV•

I watched as Skye gave birth to her foal. I've waiting forever! Finally, I was going to have a winning foal on my own. I just knew it.

I stood there frozen, waiting for her to be finished, for me to get to see my boy.

The agonizing wait was worth it because she gave birth to the most breathtaking foal I've ever seen in my fourteen short years of life. He was gorgeous, absolutely gorgeous. Amazing. My baby boy. I knelt down next to Skye. Beautiful mare, all grown up. Awww Skye. I'm so proud. Like a mother hen. Except for the fact that Skye isn't a hen- but back to the matter at hand.

"Lightning," I say his name to myself.

"Huh?" Bryce replied.

"Lightning," I answered. "His name is Lightning." My parents called me down to "discuss important matters" earlier, I guess I should take them up on that offer now. Its only been two hours.

As I walked away from the stables, I couldn't shake the feeling that someone important was watching me. I kept half-expecting them to jump out at me, but it never did happen.


We were back in my bedroom, we'd just gotten back from grabbing some ice cream and I knew my parents patience only lasts so long.

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