Chapter 1

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Here's Chapter 1! This Chapter is dedicated to Damentalgirl because she's the only person I've gotten feedback from so far, and I really appreciate it. So, check out some of her stories- she's a very good author. In addition, can you guys do me a favor and explain how to upload pictures to your story on the mobile thing? Just wondering. Anyway, carry on reading(:


Chapter 1:

•Mia's POV•

"Mia, darling!" Called my ma-ma. It's clearly too early for any brain stimulation other than dreams to be occurring.

"Come dear!" Added pa-pa. As the rulers of Mare, they are required to get up so early in the morning, so that they may attend to their daily affairs with the kingdom and the people who reside here. Though they aren't actually required- they just feel that it's necessary. I say 'When you can sleep in- do it.'

"Mia!" Nagged ma-ma. She's very persistent, and her level of patience is still high- I'd like to see how far I can push her. But, today Bryce is arriving, and I want to go riding with him. I'm sure I can resist irking her until later. "Come on, darling! We're going to have company soon, I want you to look presentable!"

Groaning, I replied. "Yes, ma-ma!" She's going to give me about half-an-hour to shower, dress, brush my teeth, brush my hair, and triple-check my outfit; so that I look like a "Princess", because apparently in the words of my mother, "That is where you're lacking, darling." Please. My choice of clothing define who I am, and I am Mia Gabrielle Colesanti. But, to my parents and the rest of Mare- I am "The Princess".


The kingdom horns blared, notifying everyone of the arrival of King Alexander, Queen Krysta, Prince Bryce and Princess Olivia- My cousins from the nearby kingdom of Seirya.

I exited my room confidently making my way towards the balcony, to welcome my cousins into Mare.

I looked down at the enormous amount of civilians, crowded in the Square, waiting to hear what their Princess has to say. "Good Morning, Mare!" I called. In return, I received "Good Morning, Princess Mia!'s", chants of "Princess!"; a lot of clapping, and roses being thrown to me from the ground. "Today is a very special day, a reunion for the two families that rule and side-rule both Mare and Seirya!" More hollers from "my people". "So, please give a warm welcome to my uncle, King Alexander!" Uncle Alex gave me a bear-hug before waving to the crowd, and he stood by my side. "My aunt, Queen Krysta!" She followed her husbands precedent. "My cousin, Prince Bryce!" Bryce likes to follow his own rules like me, which is why we get along so nicely; well that, and we grew up together, and there is only a difference of four days in our ages. He attempted to pat my head after our hug, but I refused and stepped out of the way, shooting him a look that I hoped came off as intimidating. I could see little Olivia scurrying over, her long dirty-blonde hair swaying behind her. "And last, but certainly never least- my cousin, Princess Olivia, the most adorable 7 year old in the kingdoms!" She hugged me lightly before I lifted her onto my hip, kissing her forehead. "Hey boobear. Did ya miss me?" I whispered, causing her to grin widely and nod. Of courses, she earned the most "Awwwww"'s from the crowd, but who could resist such a cutie?

After the Welcoming, Aunt Krysta, Uncle Alex and my parents were catching up in the lounge, while Bryce was taunting me about my insisting that he "Not- and I mean Not-" touch my hair. Olivia decided to try and defend me from her psychopath of a brother, which only resulted in him threatening to rip the heads off of her "dollies".


"Bryce, I am so freaking serious! You touch my hair, I will kill you."

"You can't kill a Prince."

"You can't kill a Princess."

"Oh, but Mia- I surely can."

This little argument soon turned into a stare down. Even as Olivia couldn't break our competition.

"BryBry!" She hollered. "Leave MiMi 'lone! She didn't do's nothin' to you!"

At this, Bryce laughed, still not blinking. "Liv, I can do what I wanna do. A little 7 year old cant stop me. You can't even hurt a fly."

"Can too! There was a fly in my room! Remember Brybry?"

"It landed near your stupid dolls, yeah- I know. Chill little sis, or I will rip off their heads. Doll by doll." He answered cooly.

Olivia flared her nostrils, trying to crack her knuckles. Bryce and I were still going at it like usual, the brother I never had. He was continuously smirking, thinking that he had finally vanquished Olivia.

He was mistaken.

Before I could figure out what was going on, Bryce was on the ground in my bedroom, clutching his crotch, and Olivia stood grinning as big as the Cheshire Cat.

Maybe my baby cousin was a fierce little warrior after all, I thought to myself with a smile matching hers.

-------------FlAsHbAcK oVeR-----------

Not long after that interesting encounter with Olivia's devious side, my parents called me down to their office to "discuss important matters".

Sneak-Peak on Chapter 2:

"I'll be right back, alright Liv? Then we can go play." I coaxed, prying the love bug off my legs.

"You promise we can play, Mimi?" She questioned, giving me the puppy-dog eyes.

"I promise, boobear." I replied sincerely. "Bryce!"

"What?" He sounded annoyed.

"Watch your sister, you dipwad!" I closed my lavender bedroom door, went up the spiral staircase, and entered their Office.

I could feel the tenseness in the air- smell it, even- as I sat down next to ma-ma. There were a total of ten people in there. Myself, Ma-ma, Pa-pa, Aunt Krysta, Uncle Alex, Mason&Rafael, and three familiar members of Mare's Council.

This must be very important if The Council is here.

One of them cleared their throat, effectively grabbing everyone else's attention.

"King Lucian, Queen Renee...Princess Mia, you understand the troubles between Empsiea, Mare and Seirya; we've decided that our only option is....

--------------AuThOr'S nOtE-------------

Mwahaha(: Chappy 2 seems dramatic! So what do you guys think? Didn't take me too long to write this Chapter(: I hope you enjoyed it!

Please don't forget to...





Niyah xD

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