Beginnings In Postwick

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Author's Note: Hey guys, just an update, I've decided to name Victor's pokemon mostly similarly to my own trainersona's pokemon, so be aware of that, not that it'll affect the story in any way xD Also this took longer because I'm writing as close to the in game textual conversations as possible. Anyway, here comes chapter 1, and we start.. where everything began....))

Victor sat on his couch, watching Leon's exhibition match, from his new Rotom Phone. Suddenly, Hop burst in, as energetic and loud as usual. "Victor? Where are ya, mate? Oh, that your new flash phone?" he grinned, standing in the doorway in his Wooloo wool coat that he seemed to always wear, after his mother had made it from Hop's first partner, a Wooloo that he'd raised. "Were you watching Leon's exhibition match? But you know that's no way to cheer him on! The only way to properly cheer him on is with his famous Charizard pose!" Hop grinned.

"Hop, dear, how are you? Didn't expect to see you here today. Isn't today the big day?" Victor's mother asked. "I'm well, but that's exactly why I came over to get Victor! Nevermind watching the match now! I've got it recording at home anyway. I record all my brother's matches. Come with me, Victor! He should be here any minute! Oh, and Leon always brings presents, so I'd grab your Bag, if i were you." Hop said excitedly. Leon had been champion since before Victor had moved in when he was 6. Hop and Victor became fast friends, but due to his duties as Champion, Leon hadn't been able to visit home very often, which meant Victor had never met Leon, not even once, because each visit was when Victor's family was away on holiday. Unfortunate as it was, today was the day Victor would finally get to meet the great Champion Leon.

"Now I've got to run, see you at mine!" Hop said excitedly.

Just as quickly as he had entered, Hop burst out the door. Victor pocketed his phone, and stood, walking to the door. "Oh, Victor, honey! Don't forget your bag, dear! And put on a hat, it's nippy out!" his mother called from the kitchen. He nodded, and headed to his room, pulling on a knit wool cap, and his father's old Bag, before fixing his hair. On his way out the door, his mother smiled. "Look at you, you look just like your father when he first started his journey. "Aw, ma.." Victor blushed, grinning. His mother held his jaw on either side, then gently kissed his forehead. "Alright, I'll stop my coddlin. you best get going now, don't want to be late. Tell Leon and Hop's mother i said hi." she said, and stepped back to let him head out the door.

When Victor exited his door, he dusted off his pants, and fixed his hair again, before stepping down the walkway up to his door. "Haha, look at you, Victor! That old Bag looks like it could practically pull you over! Well, at least we know it should hold anything Leon might bring, even if it's as big as a Snorlax!" he joked, to which Victor chuckled, crossing his arms. Suddenly, they heard repeated thuds, and both boys turned to look at the commotion, only to find a Wooloo repeatedly rolling into a gate. More importantly, it was the gate that led to the Slumbering Weald, a dangerous place filled with strong pokemon. "Huh? It was a Wooloo..? But what's it doing there?"

As if answering him, the Wooloo rolled into the gate once more, as if trying to bash through. "Hey! You silly Wooloo! I see what you're up to! Don't go using Tackle on the fencing!" he scolded. "Now you listen! No going past that fence! No! Everyone knows there are scary strong Pokemon living in the Slumbering Weald!"

"Meeeeeh?" the sheep pokemon bleeted. It didn't seem to have listened, as it headed back to headbutting the fence once more, though Hop seemed contented that he'd done his job.

"Now that that's taken care of.. How 'bout it, Victor? Let's race! Bet I can make it to my place first, what with you lugging about that big old Bag!" Hop grinned, and took off, twirling on his heel to get a headstart, Victor taking off after him, laughing. They ran down the way, laughing and teasing each other, just as they had since they were innocent tots. They ran into Hop's house, playfully nudging each other, as they giggled. "Oi, mum! Is he here yet?" Hop asked excitedly. "Ah, you're here at last, Hop. And I see you've brought along Victor. Hello dear." Hop's mother said, smiling warmly at Victor. "Yeah, yeah, but where's Lee? Have you got him crammed in a cupboard?"

"He's still not here yet, Hop! For the hundredth time..Honestly, you must learn some patience! As a matter of fact, he's probably only just arrived on the train station in Wedgehurst." his mother sighed.

"Then that's where we're going! You know Lee is hopeless with directions. I'll make sure he doesn't get lost on the way." Hop said.

"Oh, will you? Yes, that probably is for the best.." his mother agreed.

"You're coming with, right Victor? Now's your chance to finally meet my big bro! Let's go!" Hop said, and flew out the door. Hop's mum sighed once more, holding her cheek, and resting her elbow on her hand. "That boy, honestly.."

"I'll keep an eye on him for you, ma'am." Victor smiled, to which she nodded. "Be careful, both of you. And do stay out of the grass, Victor, dear. It's unsafe without a pokemon of your own!"

"Will do, i should get going before he gets too far ahead." Victor smiled, and ran out the door. He ran down to the path, and then down towards Route 1, to meet up with Hop.

Author's note: Bit of an odd spot to leave off on, I know, since nothing much has really happened. But i feel we have some basic setup and a bit of backstory to start us off. Next comes meeting Leon, and getting their starters! Chapter 2's release will likely be out sometime after New Years, but no specific date yet. Still also trying to plan out the non-default story bits, so please bear with me if it takes a somewhat long time for chapters! Thanks for reading, and I'll see you guys next year, in the next chapter! Happy New Year!

~ScribblySkiesStudios ))

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