Chapter 2: The Multi-what now???

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Disclaimer may be found on chapter 1 so please don't hound me, I have no rights nor profit from this venture.

AN: Hey there readers and supporters, this is The Viking Stranger. I'd just like to thank the people that believed in this venture, All the Followers, Subscribers, Reviewers and those who hit and added this story to their favorites.

Just to clarify some things that this is indeed a crossover, you will find the explanation later on, it's a slow burn type of an operation and I am technically writing this on the fly. There is an outline that I want to follow but aside from that, I want this story to write itself as it goes.

And yes, I burrowed the concept of World's End from Pirates of the Caribbean. A good idea is a good idea…

I am doing the without a Beta... so any misspelling will be my own.

And for those that commented about the pairings... well, like I said, it's undecided. I am personally a fan of many ships(aside from Merry and Sunny of course, but those are different kinds of ships anyway) and I know that they can make or break a story. The comments are noted but please, Don't make any unreasonable demands of me. I'm struggling in writing this as it is. If you think you have a suggestion for an idea, feel free to write it in the comments, I'll shout out if I ever get around to use them, if not I'll still acknowledge the time and effort in making them so don't be afraid to do so. Also, flames are useless, they'll just be absorbed by Ace...

Without further ado, Set Sail!

Chapter 2: The Multi- what now?

Monkey D. Luffy wakes up and sees that it was unnaturally early for him. Earlier than even Sanji who's does so to make sure that the ladies don't get hungry in the morning, especially Nami, since she makes sure that they stay on course.

He sees the familiar ceiling of the captain's quarters of Sunny, feeling like he was missing something. Heck, he isn't even feeling as hungry as he usually does(Gasp! Bite your tongue heretic!). But that didn't last, thankfully, as the memories of the past month or so came back to him.

The Pirate Summit…

The Ultimatum…

The Tri-lliance…

World's End…

The last ride to the final island…


A smile then stretched across his face as goes to the deck and stared at the sight in front of him. The Island was truly majestic, it was massive continent that is a perfect mix of all the islands that they've seen and even more. All Blue surrounds it as all fishes that meet at Reverse Mountain are washed up here. They just finished exploring the entirety if the island. They even found Robin's Ponyglyph, much to her joy. Indeed, Rayleigh was right; at least that is was she says when asked that were the contents of the massive obsidian cube.

However, being in an island, even if that Island is Raftel, was starting to get dull.

It turns out that One Piece, is not an actual treasure, not really.

Based on the encryption they found on the island: The Greatest treasure of all, the grandest of prizes, isn't gold nor silver(though if you made it this far, I doubt that you will be lacking). Instead, it is the journey, the bonds, the experiences and the great sense of wonder of what lies in the great beyond. You managed to arrive to this place, scarred and weary but whole and in One Piece. Is it not truly wonderful?

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