Chapter 5: This is not what I expected

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AN: Hello everyone! I apologize for the long wait and delay for this chapter. Since I am currently jobless, I'm making the most out of this free time and my new computer room(the attic). aside from that there is not much to say but pls continue to support my story(ies if they come out). and enjoy. I am also considering going to Hiatus to see if Yamato will join with the Strawhats. She is a pretty fun character and will only multiply the chaos once it is indeed confirmed. And let's be honest here, Roger's got a crew of at least 30 people while the guys that we have so far only number to 11 if the crew members I wanted will stay. As shown that I wanted Carrot to stay and if we added Yamato, then I'm sure Sanji will rejoice with more women in the crew. What do guys think? Adjust it later or wait and see what happens?

Anyway, due to popular demand since the last one was quite the cliffhanger, there is the latest chapter. Hope you all enjoy it!

Disclaimer: I don't even speak Japanese or draw.

Chapter 5: This is not what I expected

Mustafu Municipality

It was an ordinary day for the citizens of Mustafu, the sun is shining, and grade schoolers are coming home from their long stressful day in schooling.

Yeah right.

Let's just ignore the fact that there is currently a building on fire a couple of blocks away, or the shadows that passed overhead is in fact a villain dressed in a cheesy black and yellow bee suit whilst carrying a sack of loot that was quickly followed by a hero with red wings.

Yep, these kids just gave zero fucks at all because why would they? This sort of stuff is happening every day if this happened to you you get used to it yourself.

So there they go giving zero attention to ever is happening because the heroes life is what they want Or at least for the majority of them. Unknown in and seen by everyone there is a shuttle set of eyes that briefly here in the middle of an alley in the set of eyes have locked themselves into a figure with blonde spikey hair and mean looking eyes, this student is Katsuki Bakugo, His quirk explosion works when his sweat from the palms of his hands secrete something similar to Nitroglycerin And using this he is able to produce explosions depending on the amount of sweat he accumulates.

He's currently leading a group of his friends and showing off his quirk as usual Annoyingly drawing attention of the wrong kind at the back of the group also lagging quite behind is Izuku Midorya who prefers to be called Luffy, For some reason or another he keeps insisting he's he would be called that despite the fact that Luffy is not even found anywhere in his name. Despite his lack of quirk, Luffy still aspires to be a hero. Does this by going to the beach AKA the area's junkyard. He goes there to train using the various junks and building up his speed and strength that way he will be able to keep up with others with powers thru hard work, even though he still doesn't know how to swim. His sweet mother, bless her soul would ask him where he gets the scrapes and bruises but she does know it's not from bullying after all he doesn't tolerate bullies, instead she knows he's doing something to keep his dream of being a hero alive through hard work even though he's not the smartest but he still tries to study, analyze and get as much information about other quirks as much as he can. After the initial taunts and jokes, he doesn't really mind others mentioning he is quirkless. Most of them just gave up since he doesn't react to any of those instead, he shows his big happy grin that even the most hardened heart doesn't have the heart to wipe it off him. Katsuki Doesn't really mention it but he takes his heart and tenacity to make him to push himself even further in his studies and extracurricular activities after all, if someone quirkless like Izuku can better himself, why can't he? He wants to be the world's number one hero and if someone like Luffy can improve himself then he himself definitely should prove himself further to be better than everyone.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31, 2020 ⏰

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