Chapter 4: A Friend in Need

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AN: Hello readers an a very happy new year to you! Sorry for the delay but I had the mother of all writers' block that took almost all of quarantine time ti figure it out hpe it stays that way. I know that by the time ou guys are reading this it would be well past the start of 2020, however, let me at least greet all of you and wish you all the best in your future #2 hero... wait, I mean endeavor for this upcoming year. Pls. leave some comment to let me know what you think of the story so far. Just know that I am not Japanese nor do I draw.

Hope you like this new chapter!

Chapter 4: A Friend in Need

Mustafu Municipality

"Hey Mom! It's time to watch the video!" An excited voice of a little boy rings throughout the house.

Inko Midorya looks at her precious little boy with equal measure of fondness and exasperation. Ever since that awful day in the city, and that nasty Villain kidnapping her son, he would not stop talking about heroes and how he would one day be just like them. Now many would say this is just normal given that it is the most popular occupation in the world, and she would agree, she also dreamt of being a hero at a certain point in life or two before she simply concluded that it simply wasn't the life for her and she settled down and had Izuku with her Darling husband, sadly more often than not, he isn't there for the many milestones for their baby.

However, this does not seem to be your average declaration if being a hero that they will look at fondly as they grow older. She could see the fire in his eyes to the point that it was almost scary. Even then, on that day, the feeling was so different, it's like what was rumored to be in the presence of All might himself that seems to exude and that the world is anticipating on what will happen next.

Shaking those thoughts from herself and bringing herself back to the here and now. She helped her son to the video on the computer. This Video was recorded long ago and was posted on HeroTube.

The Rescue that cemented All Might as the Symbol of Peace.

"Alright, just one more, ok? I don't know why you want to keep watching this. This is just too scary for me." She already knew the answer though, like all moms have that hidden ability to know.

The scene shows a massive disaster area. Fire burning everywhere, Cars and buildings mangled and wreaked beyond recognition as well as people panicking and looking on on what will happen next. When suddenly, someone exclaimed at the sight he was seeing.

"Are you seeing this? He's already rescued like a hundred people already! This is unbelievable!"

It was a giant of a man. Hulking muscles and a most peculiar haircut that has two bangs upright making them look like antennae.

"Gura gura gura gura! Fear not citizens! Hope has arrived, For I am Here!" The Hulking figure said in a great booming voice that immediately took command of the whole situation.

This was All Might.

"Heroes are so cool!" Little Izuku exclaimed with his face-splitting grin. "When I grow up, I wanna be just like them! Wait, I want to be the greatest of them all! I will be the Hero King!" He declared this waving his chubby little fists in the air. If there ever was a sight that would cause the female half of the population squeal to the levels of breaking every glass object within the city, this would be it.

Inko stands and looks at her son fondly by the door both in amusement and memorizing this moment for the rest of her life. She knew something special is happening, how it would involve her baby boy, she might never know, but she will still do so none the less.

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