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I was sitting at the back table in my physics classroom waiting for the bell to ring. We only had a minute left. I swear sometimes I feel like the last few minutes of class purposely goes by slow because it knows you're waiting on it.

Finally the bell rung and everyone was out the door. I stopped at my locker to get my binder for my next class, Debate. It's kinda unfortunate, given the fact that I barely speak.

There was a small group of students standing across the hall talking and staring at me. I'm used to it though. Eveyone thinks I'm the weird kid. The warning bell rung and I closed my locker and started to walk to class.

"Hey, I'm gonna go talk to him." I heard one of the students say. I picked up my pase. "Aye kid hold on for a minute!" I just continued to walk. He caught up to me pretty quickly and stood in front of me.

He kinda towered me a bit. He had big pink lips. His hair was dark brown with blonde at the tip of his curls. He was actually kinda- No stop it.

"I don't wanna be late." I mumbled out. He looked at me with a surprising look. I could tell it was because I talked. "Well I don't care about being late. How about I walk with you?" He asked. I just nodded my head and started to walk.

"I'm Chresanto by the way." He stuck his hand out but I rejected. "Okaaaay, what's your name?" He really doesn't understand that I don't want to talk to him. "J-Jacob." I said.

"Hmmm. Nice. Well umm look, I know you don't talk much or have many friends but, me and some other people are going out for pizza later. Do you wanna come?" Did he really just ask me that? Somebody must not have given him the memo on talking to me. Although nobody has ever tried this hard to get me to talk or hang out.

We had finally reached the classroom door. I turned back to look at him. "Soooo?" He said. I just shrugged my shoulders. "Well just in case you make up your mind," he said pulling out a sharpie marker, "here's my number." He grabbed my hand and wrote his number on the back side of it. Seriously dude?

He looked at me and smiled then soon walked away. That was weird. I walked into class and all eyes shot at me. Damn I hate when that shit happens. 

"Mr. Perez, You're late."  Mr. Darcy said. "Sorry.' I whispered and walked over to my seat. 

A couple of guys that sat in chairs behind me started snickering. I noticed they were looking at the number and name writting on my hand. I instantly pulled the sleeve to my hoodie over it and looked down. "Stupid Cresant dude, or whatever the hell his name was." I thought to myself.


Finally. I finally talked to him. All these years of wanting him to notice me has finally paid off. Okay I am seriously fan-girling right now.

He moved here and the third grade. He never talked to anyone. Even when the teachers would ask him questions he wouldn't spill a word.

In the eighth grade I started to realize I had crush on him. Yes I'm bisexual. He was the only boy I found attractive. Not just appearance which, don't get me wrong he's like sexy as fuck, but also his mind. He interest me so much. I wanted to know why he was so quiet. Why he never spoke. Was he hurt? Was he scared? I just needed to know.

I walked into my classroom and luckily me teacher wasn't there yet. My friends that I was talking to in the hallway all stared at my with curios faces. I already knew what they were thinking. 

"Yes, I talked to him." I told them.

"Well did he talk back." My friend Bre asked. She knows about my crush on Jacob. She has been the one trying to get me to talk to him all these years, and finally today I had the balls to do it.

"Not really. He said like a few words. But I did ask him if he wanted to hang out with us and-."

"What did he say?" My friend Ray interrupted.

"He didn't. He just shrugged. I took that as an 'I don't know', so I put my number on his hand." I said.

"Awwwwww." They all said. I just looked at the and shook my head.

"Okay everyone take you seats. Sorry I'm late, the meeting in the teachers lounge took a little longer than I thought it would." My teacher said walking in.

That whole class all I thought about was if Jacob was going to text me or not. I hope so.







A/N: Okay so I deleted my last story because I got kinda boring and I think this one will be more interesting than the last one soooooo yeah here's the second chapter to Suicide. Do you think Jacob will text him?
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