Best Buy Trip (Chapter 3)

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Best Buy Trip


Around 1-2 P.M

Me, my father, and my sister went to Best Buy yesterday.

I swear, I thought my dad left me there…

I walked around Best Buy, for 30 minutes, and I seriously couldn’t find him. I went outside, to find his car, and I couldn’t find it…

Dear Jesus Christ father, can you park somewhere, that I can actually find the car. I started freaking out.

I walked into Barnes & Noble that was right by Best Buy, thinking my dad got a coffee. I walked to where the seating area was in Barnes & Noble, and I was so close to screaming at this little Asian kid…I’m not trying to be racist, but he seriously annoyed me.

You want to know what he was doing...

Absolutely nothing…

He was just there…I felt like I was being seriously rude. But he left. My dad wasn’t answering his phone, and this little kid, was just there. And the world just annoyed me by this point. I hated everyone and everything.

159394739 Hours later…

My dad calls.

Father: Where are you?

Stop right there…


Me: Barnes & Noble…

Father: K, come on we are going...

I hung up on him, and I walked out side, and got into the car…

We were driving off the lot, when I saw one thing…

Asian Child…

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