Imagine #11 - David

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Imagine going for a late swim and meeting David.

Word Count: 939


Smiles everywhere, painted on the faces in the crowds.

It seems like everyone is always smiling.

You don't really smile anymore. Not real smiles, anyways.

Life has dealt you too many bad hands, so you learned to encase yourself in strong armour. No one can hurt you if they don't even know who you are.

You hardly recognize yourself anymore, but it's a small sacrifice.

A shielded heart is better than a broken one.


David casually smokes his cigarette, leaning against the sign of the boardwalk. The boys hang around too, Marko and Paul making eyes at all the pretty ladies, and Dwayne standing to the side, glaring at no one and everyone.

The platinum blond smiles at some women as the walk by, giggling. Another person walks by, although her head is down, staring at the ground as she walks.

Curious, he starts to follow her.


You slip through crowds, trying to make it through without accidentally touching someone. It is virtually impossible, and you snarl quietly as someone bumps into you.

The beach is usually not as busy during nightfall, if you can steer clear of the parties and bonfires. That's why you usually go for a swim at night before heading to bed. The cool water refreshes you.

Sunlight always hurts your eyes anyways.

Finally breaking away from the crowd, you tread across the sand to a small beach hidden away.

It takes you half an hour to just walk there, but it's worth it to have some privacy.

This is the only place where you let your hair down, so to speak. The only place you truly relax.

You peel off your shirt and pants to reveal your swimsuit, then lay them by your bag. With a wide grin, you stretch before running into the cold water with a happy shriek.

The water greets you with open arms, crashing against your body as you fight to stay standing. You've always loved the ocean, having your feet in the sand and the waves against your skin.

You splash around in the shallows before swimming farther out.


David smiles and steps from the tree line, the boys right behind him.

"Why are we tailing this chick, David?" Paul asks as he takes a puff of the smoke in his hand.

Marko giggles and bites his nail, watching her splash around. Dwayne just looks mostly uninterested as he leans against a tree.

"Because," their leader drawls, "She seems interesting."

The girl in question returns to shore, catching a ride on a wave to come to a stop belly first on the wet sand.

She props herself on her elbows before rolling onto her back to stare at the stars. David chuckles soundlessly before walking to her.


You breathe out in wonder at the shining heavenly bodies suspended in the sky. The water feels warmer than the air, but the swim has left you tired.

Someone clears their throat somewhere above you. Glancing up in surprise, you scramble upright and cross your arms protectively.

A fairly tall man with a platinum blond mullet smirks at you. On either side of him are two more blonds, one with curly locks, and a dark haired man sporting a leather jacket.

"Hello there."

You stare at the blond incredulously. You suppose you'll have to find a better swim spot now that you've been discovered. If you survive this encounter, that is.

These boys have bad reputations.

"Well, don't be rude, darling," he continues, grin never faltering.

You keep your face void of emotions, "Hi."

The blonds to his right snicker at your cold attitude. You glare at them, which only makes them chuckle louder.

"Want to go for a ride?"

They can't be serious.

You look at yourself, shivering as the wind picks up. First things first, you need to get your clothes back on.

Trudging through the sand, you snatch your clothes up and quickly get dressed. Their eyes never leave you for a second as you sound the pack over your shoulder.


You look back at the blond, "I don't know you."

It's a simple statement, yet it seems immensely hilarious to the boys.

"I'm David, sweetheart. That's Marko, Paul, and Dwayne." He grins, revealing his perfect white teeth. "Now you know us."

"Nice to meet you," you say curtly, walking away.

They follow you, easily keeping pace.

"You're supposed to tell us your name."

This dude doesn't seem to give up, you think. The curly blond's grin widened as he turns to face you while walking backwards.

You sneer, "Is that so?"

"Yeah," Marko answers.

You allow silence to take root, only broken by the sound of footfalls.

"So, what's your name, sweetheart?" David asks again.

Sighing, you spy the lights of the boardwalk in the distance. "It's Y/n."

"No last name?"

"You didn't give me your last name."

"Touché," he chuckles. "About that ride, what do you say?"

"I say no thanks. It's late."

His icy blue eyes meet your e/c ones, "That's what makes it so fun."

"I'm not in the mood for a ride on a motorcycle," you reply.

He grins, "How'd you know we ride motorbikes?"

"I've seen you around before, by your bikes on the boardwalk. People say you're bad news."

"People like to exaggerate."

"I don't think they're exaggerating," you say, lips tugging into a smirk.

"Maybe they aren't."

You finally reach civilization and come to a halt. Looking at the blue eyed male, you adjust your hold on your backpack.

"I'll pass on the ride. See you around, boys," you leave with a smirk.

David stands there, completely enthralled.

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