Imagine #30 (Part Four) - Lost Boys

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Imagine oddness and a confession.

A/n - thank you all so much for the support! It means a lot!!! I love reading your comments and seeing that you've voted!!!

Thank you!

Word Count: 1045


You flip to the next page of your book, reading by candlelight.

Nighttime has come and the boys are awake now. You've finally managed to sync your sleeping pattern with theirs without questioning it. Although, you have grown curious as to their odd nature.

"Hello," Dwayne greets with a small smile.

You return the expression, "Hello. Did you sleep well?"

He nods as the three blonds come into the living area.

"Superbly, and you?" Marko grins as he seats himself next to you on the couch.

"Quite well, although I did wake around midday," you place your book down. "The sun was shining right in my eyes."

"You don't have to sleep when we sleep, you know," Paul chuckles.

You shrug, "If I did that, then we'd never see each other."

David plants himself upon the chair by the fireplace, "Perhaps if you slept in a room downstairs the sun wouldn't bother you."

You start to oppose his idea but he interrupts, "If you say anything about 'imposing' we may go crazy. This place is your home now and you can sleep where you like."

A grateful smile flowers on your lips, "How'd you know I was going to say that?"

"We read your mind," Marko laughs and Paul joins in.

"Haven't you noticed how we always seem to know what you're gonna say? How we know exactly when you need something?"

"Isn't it curious?" Dwayne whispers, suddenly behind you.

You chuckle, "I suppose you must be able to read my mind. Although that is quite impossible."

"Are you certain?" David's eyes are alight with mischief, "Maybe anything is possible."

"If that is true, than I would have seen extraordinary things by now," you counter.

"Maybe you have. Perhaps you forgot? The mind hates the unexplainable."

They grin widely as if they know something you don't.

"In that case, maybe inexplicable things go unnoticed for the most part. I certainly haven't seen anyone sprout wings and fly yet," you giggle at the absurd thought.

"I don't know about wings," Dwayne says, "But maybe you'll see someone fly soon enough."

You laugh along quietly, watching their amused expressions.

The conversation moves to another topic but you can't stop thinking about the bizarre interaction.


It's been a few more weeks and you've grown very close with each man.

Dwayne loves reading to you and sharing his favourite books and myths before the fire.

Marko loves drawing and has been teaching you. He also drew a few portraits of you.

Paul began to teach you piano because he loves music. You prefer listening to his playing but sometimes he insists you sing along.

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